
In 2019 I will be participating in a series of races, situated all throughout the UK to help raise awareness & tackle the stigma surrounding mental health, as well as to fundraise money in aid of Mind: the national mental health charity.

In the UK, men are three times more likely to commit suicide as opposed to women. As somebody who has battled with depression and my mental health for a number of years, as well as seen what a horrible disease it can be to those around you including loved ones, I have decided to tackle the stigma head-on. 

My challenge will see me travel the length & depth of the UK, taking me to areas such as London, Glasgow & Newcastle. The complete race list can be seen below.

My 2019 Race Calendar:

  • Run Newcastle Valentines 10k (17th February)
  • Surrey Half Marathon (10th March)
  • Sunderland City 10k (12th May)
  • Hackney Half Marathon (19th May)
  • Great North Run (8th September)
  • Great Scottish Run (29th September)
  • Kielder Half Marathon (13th October)
  • Newcastle MoRunning 10k (3rd November)

I have set myself an initial target of £500 & the fundraising campaign will come to an end on the 1st January 2020. Thanks for supporting my page & any donations that are made. 

Updates 0

Raising money for



Charity Registration No. 219830

We’re Mind, the mental health charity, working across England & Wales. We believe no one should face a mental health problem alone. We’re here for you. Whether you’re stressed, depressed or in crisis. We’ll listen, give support & advice, & fight your corner. Thanks for fundraising for national Mind.

Raising money for

Run by Mind

Charity Registration No. 219830

Donations 18

Well done on your achievement mate.

Donation by Kenny on 20/11/19


+ £10.00 Gift Aid

GNR 2019 Sponsorship - Karl Taylor

Donation by Anonymous on 19/09/19


Donation by Anonymous on 12/09/19


Donation by Gillian Fletcher on 12/05/19


Good luck Andrew! From Karl Taylor.

Donation by Anonymous on 09/04/19


Donation by Rachel Cocker on 10/03/19


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Good Luck.

Donation by Kelly on 09/03/19


+ £3.75 Gift Aid

Donation by Gillian Fletcher on 09/03/19


Good luck Andrew!

Donation by Debra Maddison on 03/03/19


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Donation by Sarah Rae Pickard on 16/02/19


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck for the coming year and sure you’ll smash it

Donation by Paul Mason on 16/02/19


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck Andrew

Donation by Frank Williamson on 16/02/19


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Ian Simpson & No Limits Health Club, Alnwick - Good luck Andrew!

Donation by Anonymous on 16/02/19

Good luck, from Mum x

Donation by Anonymous on 14/02/19

Thank you Andrew for funding raising, running and supporting such an amazing organisation! You’re a great person

Donation by Anonymous on 13/02/19


+ £0.75 Gift Aid

Well done Andrew, a wonderful cause

Donation by Susan Williamson on 08/02/19


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck Andrew! Proud of you ❤️❤️

Donation by Charlotte Urwin on 07/02/19


Good luck x

Donation by Anonymous on 06/02/19


Donation summary

  • * Online donations£430.00
  • Offline donations£0.00
  • Text donations£0.00
  • Total raised£430.00
  • Gift Aid£33.25

* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.