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Robert White raised £163,909 from 1739 supporters


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Closed 31/12/2022

raised of £200,000 target by 1739 supporters

    Iʼve raised £163,909 to Elle White - Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment

    Funded on Saturday, 31st December 2022

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    My beautiful wife Elle has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She underwent major surgery in September to remove her colon and part of her liver. The surgery went well and after a stay in hospital she has been recovering at home.

    Unfortunately, we found out last week that the cancer has a gene mutation called BRAF. This means that chemotherapy will not be a treatment option, the cancer won’t respond to it. Elle also has a DNA mismatch called micro-satellite instability which also affects her prognosis, the life expectancy for a stage 4 colon cancer patient with these two conditions is very short.

    We are therefore resting all our hopes on a new immunotherapy drug recommended by Elle’s oncologist. The drug is called Pembrolizumab. It is in the latter stages of clinical trials in London and was approved by the FDA in June this year.

    The trial has shown some positive results for patients with similar prognosis to Elle. The key findings suggest that Pembrolizumab can increase the survival rate significantly for 50% of the patients involved in the trial. We desperately hope that Elle will respond to the drug and that it will keep the cancer at bay for a number of years. At this stage there is no cure for Elle but we hold onto hope that this drug can give her more precious years with our 3 young boys.

    Thomas and JJ are aware that their mummy has cancer but they don’t know the details or the severity of the situation and we obviously want to continue to handle this sensitively and protect them from this as much as we can. Please do be mindful of who you share this information with, we don’t want the boys to hear something and be frightened.

    We are fortunate that Pembrolizumab is available in HK and Elle will start her first cycle of immunotherapy this week. She will need to have 35 treatments, once every three weeks for the next 2 years. The treatment will cost approximately $2million HKD (£200k) for 2 years worth of treatment. Initially we felt uncomfortable setting up any kind of crowdfunding or fundraising events but this latest prognosis and the fact that this immunotherapy treatment is our only hope has forced our hand in this respect.

    We initially plan to raise funds to pay for Elle’s treatment, but we hope that this can become a lifelong project for me and the boys. We hope to raise money for cancer research in general as well as funding treatment for other cancer patients in a similar position to Elle.

    I am planning to organise a number of fundraising events within the DB community over the next 2 years, we also have friends and family in the UK and in America who would like to do the same. If you would like to support in any way we would be eternally grateful. I already have some great ideas in terms of sporting events that I would like to set up. I will be asking for volunteers and hope to get many people involved, watch this space!

    If you would like to make a donation, every little really does help! Thank You so much! But most importantly please get involved in the events we are planning, it's going to be a lot of fun! If you could share this amongst family, friends, colleagues and business associates anywhere in the world we would appreciate it so very much.

    Thank you for your kindness, prayers, support and love. We feel so lucky to be in a community as special as DB at this difficult time in our lives and we feel so fortunate to have such amazing friends and family across the world.

    In Faith, Hope and Love

    Rob & Elle



    • Robert White3 years ago
      Robert White

      Robert White

      3 years ago

      ……Please see Elle's Facebook page: ‘Elle CancerandMe’ for updates on fundraising events. A million thank you’s to everyone that has supported us in anyway at all. All our love Rob & Elle

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    • Robert White3 years ago
      Robert White

      Robert White

      3 years ago

      We would like to express our huge appreciation for the overwhelming support and kindness that so many people have shown. As well as the all of the incredibly generous donations there have also been some amazing fundraising events going on in HK and in the UK over recent weeks. The sense of community support is just astounding. Elle is doing really well post op. She has now had 3 immunotherapy treatments and is feeling stronger by the week. The boys and I are so proud and in awe of her positivity and determination to get better……..

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    • Robert White3 years ago
      Robert White

      Robert White

      3 years ago

      Wow! We are in shock and amazement by the incredible generosity of so many wonderful people! We are overcome with emotion! This is just incredible!!! Your kind words and support mean so much to our family right now! We are drawing so much strength from you all. Thank you so much, we are eternally grateful! 🙏

      Share this update to help us raise more

    3 years ago

    Robert White started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 10/27/2022 14.29



    • Poppy Belas

      Poppy Belas

      Oct 27, 2022


    • John Jakeman

      John Jakeman

      Jul 15, 2022

    • Anonymous


      Jul 1, 2022

      Money from the Y5CG 'Abundance' Forfeit Collection. Wishing you and your family all the best for the future.


    • From the Fundraising Football Match

      From the Fundraising Football Match

      Jun 5, 2022

      We are all so delighted that we could raise this money to support you on your journey Elle & Family. Thank you to everyone who donated and purchased raffle tickets. So much love. Your friends x


    • Anonymous


      May 5, 2022


    • Flossie and Blossom Hoops

      Flossie and Blossom Hoops

      May 1, 2022

      Donatation from banner sales xx


    • Lorin & Owen Peel

      Lorin & Owen Peel

      Apr 26, 2022

      Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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    Robert White

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