We did it!
Lianne White raised £6,553 from 408 supporters
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Closed 22/11/2016
Iʼve raised £6,553 to to give our special 4yr old Maison a superhero headstone that he truly deserves, with your help we can make this happen. Sleep tight Maison
- Funded on Tuesday, 22nd November 2016
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Hello everyone, I'm sure most of you have already heard about the tragic accident that took away a very special little boy from our family, he has left a massive hole in all of our hearts.
He was a little hero that was too good for this earth. Maison who is on the right side of the photo was just 4 years old and loved to play with his brothers Preston (aged5) Darcy (aged11) Exley (aged2) and TJ (aged16)
Maison went outside to play two afternoons ago and his coat was caught on a door handle, he was immediately knocked unconscious and the oxygen was cut off from his brain. One of his brothers found Maison and carried him to his dad who performed CPR they managed to get him breathing again and paramedics got him to the hospital to hear that due to the lack of oxygen Maison was brain dead and the family were all told to come and say their goodbyes.
It is utterly heartbreaking and nothing will ever replace the life we lost. I'm writing this in hope that some of you may want to make a donation may it be small to help Maisons family buy a superhero headstone for when they lay him to rest. We are not sure how much the headstone will be as yet but we know that it could be out of our price range. Maison was a happy little boy who did not deserve to be taken away from his family so please help to raise enough or some towards laying Maison as the superhero he is.
- 8 years ago
Lianne White
8 years agoAbsolutely smashing this target. Thank you so much for every ones kind donations. Once we've reached our target for the superhero head stone please keep donating and sharing as any extra money raised will be going towards other funeral costs which will be things so much easier for Maisons family.
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Lianne White started crowdfunding
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Samantha Harriman
Nov 9, 2016
On behalf of Barrowcliff Juniors FC
Sammy swift
Nov 7, 2016
Lots of love to you all been thinking of you all loads heartbreaking xxxxxx
Charlie Briggs
Nov 1, 2016
Terr Marshall
Nov 1, 2016
Oct 31, 2016
with love from Darcys friend Mimi
emily brady
Oct 31, 2016
Oct 30, 2016
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