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Welcome to JustGiving! Let's set up your 10 in 10 and Family 5 in 5 Challenge 2024 fundraising page and start raising money for Multiple Sclerosis Society.
We require you to activate multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your account to strengthen its security
Connect JustGiving account to Blackbaud ID
To access Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) you need to create and connect a Blackbaud ID to your JustGiving account
We are replacing e-mail Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with mobile app and text message methods
Connect your account to a Blackbaud ID
To continue using a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) method, we need to create and connect a Blackbaud ID to your account
Continuing without a Blackbaud ID means you will not have access to any Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) method