Received a check from JustGiving?

Here’s what to do next.

So you received a check from JustGiving.

You might have questions. We’ve got answers!

Why did I receive a check from JustGiving?

JustGiving’s mission is to ensure that no good cause goes unfunded. Through our giving technology we enable individuals and causes worldwide to raise funds quickly and easily online.

In the US, an individual can use our platform and choose to fundraise or donate to any verified 501c3 organization. When they do, we process their donations either directly to the organization or through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), which then distributes the donation to the charity. If you’re a charity and have received a check from JustGiving it means that someone (or multiple people) have donated to your organization.

How do I get more details on the donations in my check?

If you would like more information about the fundraisers or donors who have contributed to your organization on JustGiving, you can claim your account here. During this process, we will also ask you to provide banking details so that in the future, we can distribute the donations made to your organization directly to your bank account, instead of sending a check.

Claiming your account allows us to do some important due diligence to confirm your organization is in good standing and allows us to securely provide you with more information on each donation made.

Claim my account

What happens after I claim my organization’s account?

The sign up process will take a couple of days as we need to verify your charity and banking details. Once you’ve completed the sign up process you’ll get access to your JustGiving from Blackbaud administrative console where you can access a donation report to learn more about the donations made to your organization.

After you claim your charity account, you can also take advantage of the additional fundraising tools we provide to our charity customers such the opportunity to personalize your charity profile page, create and publish branded campaigns, and access buttons and widgets that you can plug into your own website to help you raise more towards your mission.

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Our website allows people and charities around the world to raise funds online quickly and easily.

Learn more.

If you’re in the US, contact our US support team to let them know you want to cancel your account.

Learn more.

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