This fund, established in Chief Dave Hall's honor, is about Sanilac County First Responders and the safety and health of you, your grandchildren, those you love and care for, those we dont know, visitors, and passersby. There just have to be more individuals like Dave Hall out there, ready to run toward you when your need is the greatest regardless of the risks they may take to help you. Please help to fully fund this training and grant process to honor Dave and protect our community.
This fund has been established in memory of Dave Hall, who was dedicated to his profession, the community, and his family and friends. He proudly wore a badge for Sanilac County for 49 years as a member of the Sanilac County Sheriff, Croswell, Lexington, and Peck Police Departments. Day or night, on duty or off, his dedication as a first responder was unwavering. To provide funds for the education, training, or equipment needs of a department or another first responder is an ideal way to honor his memory.