Your support can help us reach children in Ukraine, Afghanistan and Yemen whose lives have been turned upside down by war. And it can help protect children at extreme risk in East Africa.
No matter what the emergency, children always suffer the most.
Conflict and natural disasters threaten millions of children's survival and well-being every year - and the need is greater now than it has ever been.
READY - before disaster hits, we help communities prepare for the worst.
RESPOND - within hours of a disaster striking, our teams can start saving children's lives.
RECOVER - In the months after the crisis, we provide ongoing support to help children rebuild their lives.
Launches aid faster
The Emergency Fund allows us to deploy trained emergency staff and supplies before or immediately after a crisis. When we pre-position expert staff and supplies, we can launch relief in the first hours when children are most at risk.
Promotes flexibility
Humanitarian crises demand that our response teams are prepared to quickly adapt programs to new and changing needs, especially when working in fragile and conflict-affected communities. Flexibility also enables responses to scale quickly.
Reaches “hidden” and “forgotten” crises
The lives and futures of millions of children are threatened every year by crises that never make headlines, or are quickly overshadowed by other world events. Chronic conditions like protracted conflict and persistent hunger can also fall from view.
Prepares communities
By procuring materials ahead of time, we buy them at a reasonable price and ensure they are culturally appropriate and quickly available at the onset of a crisis.