It's Team Sandy 2023!!!
Life can get busy. Life can get crazy. Life can get HARD. But one constant, at least for me, is the memory of my mom, Sandy Riner, and her battle with breast cancer. October is going to come every year, no matter what happens. The need to end this horrible disease remains day after day, year after year. It is a hidden, ruthless, take-no-prisoners, don't care who you are, where you live, how much money you make, color of your skin, political parties thrown aside, relentless killer in our country and world. The only way that we're going to put an end to it is to research, support clinicians in the field, and let our friends and neighbors know that enough is enough.
After many years of supporting the American Cancer Society and all of the incredible work they do, I have been ABSOLUTELY THRILLED the past two years to partner with the RMH Foundation and specifically the Sentara RMH Hahn Cancer Center and Funkhouser Women's Health Center to raise funds in October. THIS YEAR, we have a new campaign, partnering once again with the Sentara RMH Women’s Health Center to provide mammograms to those of our neighbors who cannot afford to have one done. 100% (YES EVERY DOLLAR) will go directly to providing VERY IMPORTANT mammograms to women in need, and to expand the services at the Women’s Health Center.
Why is this so important to me? Sentara RMH is where my Mom received her chemo treatment. I sat with her often, talking, eating lunch, laughing, crying… we did it all. And while we did, the wonderful staff, Doctors, Nurses, and Caregivers took great care of my Mom and so many others. I cannot put into words what it meant to her to not have to travel to receive chemo. To have a cancer-specific pharmacist on site. To get treatments, and be able to go home to rest. To know that there were caring, well-trained, and compassionate caregivers with her and out family every step of the way.
The campaign again this year, fittingly, is named “Be An Angel for Breast Cancer”. I consider everyone at the Hahn Cancer Center AND Women’s Health Center working to give mammograms to be angels among us because of the way they selflessly care for so many. This is our collective chance to “Be An Angel” and help them care for so many more and in so many new and exciting ways.
Early detection and diagnosis SAVES LIVES!
We hope you’ll join Team Sandy once again and “Be An Angel for Breast Cancer”.
That's where you all come in!
With Team Sandy during the month of October, there are so many ways to join the fight!
1. Donate. Your donations to Team Sandy will work to alleviate strain on the Women’s Health Center to help women in our area access life-saving mammograms. Visit to donate today!
2. Wear Pink. Whether it's every day, every Friday, special events, ZOOM backgrounds, a rubber bracelet, or a hair tie, let your pink show proud during the month of October. My favorite way to carry the cause is to wear pink shoes (I have a few pairs at this point). People will know that you stand shoulder to shoulder in the fight against breast cancer, and cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors will be encouraged. It's so simple, but if you need some help, have no fear. This year, Team Sandy has NEW T-Shirt designs... and they're FREE to you or anyone you know! (I'd be remiss to say that a donation to Team Sandy would be great, but is certainly NOT REQUIRED to come get a shirt!) The shirt will be available for pick up at the Riner Rentals office starting in October. We have limited sizes and numbers, so come get yours before they’re gone! I hope you'll be as proud to wear one as I am going to be.
3. Forward Emails and follow Social Media. If you think someone would like to be a part, forward them this post or page or link! If you want to see all the Pinktober hijinks, follow me on Instagram and Facebook. We'll have some fun, share some memories, and come together once again to throw our hats in the ring to fight breast cancer.
In this, Team Sandy's SEVENTH year, we have raised almost $85,000. Will you help the cause this year? We're marching toward a goal that would put us at over $100,000 raised in total!! What a goal to achieve together! A little bit helps, a lot helps, it all helps. I know I say this every year, but my favorite donation is still the one that my kids make in change every year for "Didi" (what Leonie called my Mom). This year, Leonie has a piggy bank labeled "Cancer": on our kitchen island that we are all contributing to round out the kids' donation! The Styrofoam cups sit in my office still, where I'm looking at them now. It reminds me that it's not about how much, it's just about caring and giving what you can. If Leonie and Ray can donate their change, you can too! And if you've got more change than they do, we'll ALWAYS welcome those donations too (wink wink).
We're going to push harder than ever. Because we need to. Because we want to. Because we HAVE to.
To honor my Mom, to honor our friends and families and neighbors, to help the Sentara RMH Women’s Health Center provide continually EXCELLENT and COMPASIONATE service to women wanting and needing mammograms and follow ups, and to show the world that breast cancer is on its' way to extinction.
With your help, we will get there.
Hoping and Praying for a Cure,
Paul Riner
Be an Angel for Breast Cancer is a month-long effort, organized by the RMH Foundation, to raise awareness and money to support the fight against breast cancer. Individuals come together, spread the word to their family, friends and neighbors, and ultimately help save lives. 100% of donations raised stay here in this community to help more women receive the care they need.