To be a good skilled trades person, you must first be an apprentice. You need to be a hands-on, kinaesthetic learner, as well as a high functioning college level student, who has the confidence and the patience to work side-by-side each day with mentors who want to pass along the skills of their craft to you, the next generation.
So much goes into making a great skilled trades person, time, passion, commitment, trust, confidence, and last but not least money. You need money to live, go to school, get other certifications, and purchase the tools of your trade that are right for you.
That is why I wanted to create this award. I want each student in a skilled trade or apprenticeship program to have the opportunity to apply for an award that will help them become the best craftsperson in their chosen field that they can be.
I wish you nothing but great success. Remember to have pride in your work, respect for the talents of others in their chosen fields, and remember, no matter how high-tech our world gets, we will always need the skilled trades to build our infrastructures, our homes, our IT Highways, and continue to power and support all of mankinds innovative ideas long into the future.
I hope this Tools of the Trade Awards helps to kick-start your future.