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Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity. Our mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. These serious mental illnesses ruin and, too often, take lives. Our Helpline is available online or by phone for anyone suffering, as well as their family and friends.
Beat Registered charity number 801343
"Well done Nicky! ♥️"
Emma Bennett donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
Eli Plaza donated
"Congratulations on your wedding ,love and best wishes xx"
Daisy and Tabitha donated
£25.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"U got this sid good luck 😉 "
Elaine Hales donated
"Irene was a lovely, kind , gentle lady . Thinking of Cathy , Simon and their families also Jenny, Chris and their families at this time xxx"
The Gorells donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Keep spreading the word BEAT- eating disorders are mental health disorders not lifestyle choices!"
Andoversford- donations for veg plants donated
£24.30 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Family Simms has raised $28,687.76 so far
Charlie Simms Memorial Fund
Andrew Lorimer has raised $9,587.64 so far
Harriet Griggs & Andrew Lorimer's Wedding
Ben Higgs has raised $9,515.66 so far
I'm Run over 100 miles within 4 days for Ben Higgs because i want people to remember Kelly & to help others
Family Simms has raised $7,758.59 so far
I'm Charlie Simms Memory walks, raising funds for Family Simms because the more people that know about Beat the better
Neil Braakenburg has raised $7,590.56 so far
I'm I am rowing the Atlantic for Neil Braakenburg because I want to support those battling eating disorders
Samuel Bixby has raised $6,587.09 so far
Beat Eating Disorders