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A future in which people and planet thrive together isn't just possible: it's essential. ClientEarth, working with people around the globe, uses the power of the law to create seismic, sustainable change that protects life on earth.
ClientEarth Registered charity number 1053988
"Condolences to the family."
DK donated
"For day 9 of our charity Advent calendar"
Chris, Kate, Faisul and Rachael donated
£12.50 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"keep up the good work, and keep the bastards honest. transparency is the best prevention of corruption. Trust is the cradle of deceit, so don't trust anyone."
stewart elsegood donated
$100.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"I love what Client Earth are doing. I have grand children - what else is there to say...thank you for what you do"
Pat Reynolds donated
$25.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Donation after reading article by Riverford Organic Farmers. History of Monsanto and Bayer is frightening!"
Funkyanorak donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
Anne Bennett has raised $1,616.43 so far
I'm We are collecting in memory of Neil Martyn for Anne Bennett because Neil was passionate about protecting our planet
Rachel Carver has raised $1,004.80 so far
I'm Raising money through music for Rachel Carver because we need to live in harmony with our world.
Emily Shaw has raised $750.50 so far
I'm We are litter picking for an hour a day in March for Emily Shaw because they do amazing work to safeguard earth's future
Credit Benchmark has raised $719.49 so far
Credit Benchmark Strava Challenge 2021
Aaron Caplan has raised $651.26 so far
I'm I am baking for my Bat Mitzvah for Aaron Caplan because they work in UK courts to make a difference.
Luke Davies has raised $403.16 so far
I'm I am kindly asking for donations for Luke Davies because I am passionate about climate justice.