We did it!
120 Marathonman raised £2,547.2 from 127 supporters
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Closed 30/10/2020
Iʼve raised £2,547 to raise funds for the 15 charities consisting of 90%medical and 10% arts supported by 120Marathonman
- Harrogate,NorthYorkshire
- Funded on Friday, 30th October 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Total of sponsorship, events, and pledges offline currently amount to over £40,000
I have been a public servant all my working life.On March 21st 2020( we are now delayed awaiting Covid19 restrictions to be lifted) I will set of on an epic challenge of 120 marathons in 120 days with my dog Tilly, she is a 3 year old Poochon breed who loves to walk. I intend to continue serving the public by raising £500,000 for a number of local and national charities. I will do this by completing 120 marathons in 120 days over a number of countries between the dates of 21/03/2020 – 18/07/2020. The Marathons will be made up of both organised and our own events and will cover 26.5 miles per day for 120 days.
The charities that I have chosen to support to varying degrees have all had an impact in both my personal and professional life. I have chosen charities both national and local to Yorkshire. I have recently lost parents, family and friends through Cancer and heart failure. My youngest daughter was born with a rare condition that she has learned to deal with but with a strong will, determination and support from hospitals and support charities she has overcome most difficulties associated with the condition. I have seen the empowerment that sport gives kids and young adults who have disabilities to take part in sport.
I have had the benefit of seeing the Yorkshire Air Ambulance attending remote accidents and providing lifesaving care to people who otherwise die from injuries. The Harrogate homeless project providing day to day services for those finding themselves unfortunate to be without food accommodation and hope. Finally you may be unaware of the great opportunities that amateur theatre groups and theatres provide to young and old people alike. Theatres are much more than buildings with history; they are the backbone of many small communities providing a lifeline as a community hub. Theatre groups themselves who I have worked with over the past 20 years bring communities together and allow access and opportunities for thousands of people which they would not necessary had otherwise.
- 5 years ago
120 Marathonman
5 years agoMassive thanks to all, we are on our way to raising our first £50,000 after all the events and the recent Black Tie Ball, now for the real push everyday on Just giving donations as we weave our way through the 120 marathons through the 8 counties and the 3 Isles. Thanks from the 120Marathonman team.
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120 Marathonman started crowdfunding
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Sep 21, 2020
Jun 14, 2020
Won’t the 1st HTFC supporters club draw, here’s some of my winnings 💛🖤💛🖤
Jun 12, 2020
Inspired by your story on Al Humphreys Living Adventurously podcast.Dan
Harrogate Town Supporters Club
May 24, 2020
Such a worthwhile cause. Harrogate Town Supporters are right behind you 💛🖤💛🖤
May 19, 2020
Fantastic watching you , can’t wait till we meet up
Joe Mcgouran
May 19, 2020
Well done Wilsons
Mick and Julia Wilks
May 19, 2020
Great effort
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