We did it!
Lewis Morfitt raised £390 from 30 supporters
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Closed 15/03/2019
Iʼve raised £390 to raise money for Beccles Men's Shed, Alzheimer's UK & Aluwani South Africa as part of Sir John Leman's RAG week.
- Beccles, UK
- Funded on Friday, 15th March 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Sir John Leman High School continues its tradition of RAG week (raising and giving).
We have chosen three charities to support this year:
Firstly, Beccles Men's Shed is our local charity. Men's Shed offers a place for men (and women!) to go during their free time who are perhaps feeling lonely or isolated. At Men's Shed, members often partake in woodwork projects. Members of our Sixth Form visited Men's Shed and were truly inspired by the wonderful atmosphere and community feeling that was present. Beccles Men's Shed are currently searching for permanent premises in Beccles and also wood for their ongoing projects. As part of our visit, we also made a short documentary to raise awareness which is available to watch on YouTube at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acJdToQcXBU.
Our national charity is Alzheimer's UK. The Sixth Form Council were very saddened to hear that a member of our school community was suffering from Alzheimer's and so decided to support this wonderful charity during RAG week. As part of this support, the Sixth Form Council are selling special gold-painted 'forget-me-not' pin badges to Sir John Leman students that will allow them entry to our RAG week events - such as 'Leman's Got Talent'.
Finally, our international charity is Aluwani, based in South Africa. Members of our Sixth Form have visited Aluwani with the Scouting Association and did some work for them - such as constructing toilet facilities at one of their drop-in centres. Aluwani, over the last 10 years has offered drop-in day care centres for over 3500 orphaned or vulnerable children in the Limpopo region of South Africa. We supported Aluwani last year and the money we raised was spent on fences to secure their premises and also water container systems - so that the children accessing their facilities have access to clean water.
We hope you share our enthusiasm in raising as much money as possible for these three fantastic charities. We also hope you enjoy our film on Beccles Men's Shed.
We would love for you to share our JustGiving page and Men's Shed Film as far and wide as possible! If you feel you could donate to our RAG week, this would be much appreciated - every little counts!
Thank you as always for your continued support! - Sir John Leman Sixth Form Council.
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Lewis Morfitt started crowdfunding
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The Pritchard’s
Jan 10, 2019
Well done to you all!
Owen Rudd
Jan 10, 2019
Yeah have some tree money :)
The Ellis Family
Jan 9, 2019
Well Done
Rianna Jones
Jan 5, 2019
Wooo! We did it! :)))
Caroline Carvosso
Dec 22, 2018
Congratulations SJLHS ! Carpool Karaoke was brilliant!
Dec 20, 2018
Best RAG week so far :) Proud to be in the council 😊
Christophe Naudot
Dec 20, 2018
Well done for your hard work to put up an amazing week enjoyed by both students and staff alike!
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