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joanna parker raised £2,032.29 from 62 supporters
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Closed 13/05/2016
Iʼve raised £2,032 to All Alan Rickman fans we are fundraising to dedicate a bench and plaque to honour the great actor. And donation to RADA too
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 13th May 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are fundraising to dedicate a bench in memory of the late, great Alan Rickman.
We hope a bench will be placed in the world famous Kensington Gardens, engraved with one of Alan's quotes so fans can go and visit, sit and reflect.
The Rickman family have been consulted and have given their support to this ideas. They will have approval of the final chosen quote.
The bench will be dedicated with help of the Royal Parks Foundation, the charity for London's eight Royal Parks. Your kind donation would not only honour one of Britain's finest actors, it will also provide for the benche's construction,
Installation, landscaping and maintenance for years to come, as well as helping care for 5,000 acres of precious green space, open freely every single day, for people and wildlife to enjoy.
Anything you choose to donate will be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much
We have a Facebook page called Alan's memorial fund and on Twitter too
Please help share this page as much as possible.
Alan Rickman was a great man so please help me achieve this in memory of him so his family, friends and us fans can relive his great memories by seeing this beautiful plaque & bench in beautiful surroundings. And having the support of Alan's wife Rima and family is amasing so thankyou very much to the management team in Kensington Gardens.
Thank you again Joanna
- 9 years ago
joanna parker
9 years agoThank you everyone, the bench should be done within 8 weeks, Kensington Royal parks wil let me know when all is finalised, I really want to thank Susan from USA for finalising the large donation to make this happen, your all great people Alan would be proud of you all. Xxx
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- 9 years ago
joanna parker
9 years agohttps://m.facebook.com/Alans-Memorial-FUND-1678598629057525/ that's the fb page with all the info and Kensington emails stating there gratitude to everyone who has donated and especially Sarah xx
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- 9 years ago
joanna parker
9 years agoJust to let you all know some lovely lady from USA Sarah has funded rest of money we now have the funding thank you everyone who has donated check Alan's fb memorial page all emails from Kensington go on there you will.see Thank you all from the bottom of my heart xx
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- 9 years ago
joanna parker
9 years agoJust added £25 from a few paypal donations thank you 😊 Joanna
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joanna parker started crowdfunding
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May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016
Ellen Averson
May 13, 2016
for my guardian angel mr Rickman
Shannis Gregory
May 12, 2016
Words can never express how grateful I am to Mr. Rickman for having inspired me.I will never forget his Q&A at Giffoni Film Festival.
Graff Mathilde
May 12, 2016
May 12, 2016
In memory of Alan Rickman. With gratitude and love...
May 11, 2016
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
joanna parker
London, United Kingdom
My name is Jo. I'm a very huge fan of Alan Rickman. And was asked by many fans if there was anywhere they could go and pay there respects. So I thought by doing this and donating many agreed. So please enjoy and help spread the word to donate. Thank you, Joanna 😊