We did it!
Jamie Seery raised £200 from 7 supporters
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Closed 17/10/2020
Iʼve raised £200 to Fund 10 weeks of Community Boxes
- Funded on Saturday, 17th October 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are seeking donations to support our mission to ensure no one is left behind due to the Covid-19 pandemic, during this difficult time we have set up a group to support those in need in Glasgow. However, we need help to ensure we can continue to deliver support across the city.
Community of Helping Hands was set up to support those in need and those working on the front-line during the Covid-19 pandemic. Which led to the Scottish government placing restrictions on the public and businesses to slow down the peak to protect the health service. Plus, shielding those at a higher risk.
While these measures have lowered the death toll and effect on the health service it unfortunately has an impact on families, both those that were struggling before but also others who now find themselves in a difficult situation and need the community's support. That is where Community of Helping Hands comes in to provide food and essential packages to individuals and families that may need support in Glasgow.
Since forming, Community of Helping Hands has developed into a crucial support service for families, and with the backing of the public and businesses like Amey are now delivering over 200 Community Boxes every week and Kindness Boxes to those who need a lift, plus care boxes to front-line staff and hot food to hundreds of families with the support of local restaurants.
We received £10000 from Amey however since then the demand has more than doubled, meaning we need double the amount of support to ensure we can continue to provide the support for the next 10 weeks. Community of Helping Hands is run by volunteers who put their own time into to ensuring they can continue this support, plus at their own expense as we aren't currently in a position to provide expenses for fuel etc.
Should you need any more information or are able to support Community of Helping Hands in any way please feel free to contact us.
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Jamie Seery started crowdfunding
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Aug 4, 2020
Great Job, by Jamie and Leanne and the team at COHH. Keep up the good work
Jun 28, 2020
You're all doing such an amazing job and making such a big difference to people in difficult times. I know that people are going to continue to need support
Jun 27, 2020
Lynn Wilson
Jun 27, 2020
Hope this can help.
Jun 26, 2020
You are doing a great job!
Kathleen Findlay
Jun 26, 2020
Great to see the local community helping each other
Opium Restaurant - Daniel
Jun 19, 2020
Amazing people doing amazing work.
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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