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Abhi Arumbakkam raised £250 from 5 supporters
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Closed 30/11/2017
Iʼve raised £250 to Replace School's Toxic Asbestos Roofs
- Chennai, India & Munich, Germany
- Funded on Thursday, 30th November 2017
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Children's Garden School is located in Chennai, India. It was founded 80 years ago by a German-Indian couple with the aim of provided education that is rooted in Indian tradition combining it with Western values. It is also my school.
A school that drew children from various economic backgrounds and treated us all the same. Today several of my classmates have overcome enormous odds to gain PhDs and work in multinationals and be good mothers, thanks in no small measure to the education we had at Children's Garden School.
Yet, the 80-year old school is in desperate need of refurbishment. The classrooms still have asbestos roofs over them that need immediate replacement. This school used to provide free hot lunches for children that couldn't afford to bring packed lunches. Because it recognised that children cannot learn on an empty stomach and it pains me to think that today cannot afford to replace the toxic material covering the classrooms.
I am running the Munich half-marathon and doing a few offline events. I would be grateful for any support that is forthcoming. Thank you!
- 7 years ago
Abhi Arumbakkam
7 years agoThank you all so much for your support. I have in all raised €675 including one last fundraiser to go. I will tally, send the amount to the school and get a letter acknowledging its receipt and post updates on work. Thank you once again for your support!
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- 7 years ago
Abhi Arumbakkam
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Abhi Arumbakkam
7 years agoToday we had a cook-and-eat lunch when some friends and I made adai, aviyal and kuzhipaniyaram and ate them for lunch, all in the name of fundraising to replace asbestos roofs. Between running 21kms and eating a hearty meal with some fine company, I know which one I'd rather. 😀
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Claire Cuff
Oct 19, 2017
Well done Abhi. I can tell which child is you in the first picture. Just like Shravan!!!
Louise Ashworth
Oct 11, 2017
Great afternoon and we’ve just enjoyed some more pancakes, thanks Abhi. Also really interesting to find out more about your school.
Oct 8, 2017
Vicki Ryan
Oct 8, 2017
Well done on your achievement Abhi. It is a lovely thing you are doing. X
Oct 2, 2017
Good Luck!
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