We did it!
Amanda Skeldon raised £2,535 from 64 supporters
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Closed 12/03/2022
Iʼve raised £2,535 to Support a Schools Science Fund in memory of Abi James
- Funded on Saturday, 12th March 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
My sister, Abi James, passed away in October following heart surgery. Abi's passion for teaching science and giving young people the chance to really be inspired by science is something that we would love to live on. Through over 20 years of teaching, she inspired and engaged thousands of children. She was particularly passionate about taking children to get hands on with science, through competitions, visits and the Royal Institution Christmas lectures. I am looking to set up a fund that will enable school children to continue to take part in these experiences when they may not be able to otherwise afford it. Any donations will be put into a fund to do this in her memory.
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Amanda Skeldon started crowdfunding
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Funeral donations
Dec 21, 2021
David and Gill
Dec 5, 2021
Barry and Pauline
Dec 2, 2021
Such a great idea for crowdfunding
Julie P
Nov 30, 2021
Such a fitting tribute, hope this fund brings joy to many x
Alex Gleed
Nov 30, 2021
Great cause. Abi was always amazing and very patient and caring with the kids at school. I will miss her smile.
Rob and Claire
Nov 30, 2021
A wonderful cause for a wonderful person
Nov 30, 2021
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