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John Nolan raised £5,788.82 from 71 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2018
Iʼve raised £5,788 to Help to pay for Adelaida's hip surgery
- Norwich, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 1st September 2018
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- 6 years ago
John Nolan
6 years agoI still don't have right words to express what I feel, Thank you so much to Mr john's family and all people who support and praying for my operations and now i'm doing great i appreciated it very much may the Lord gives to you more blessing i love you all. Adelaida Simon
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- 7 years ago
John Nolan
7 years agoFollowing an uneventful post-operative recovery, Adelaida has now been discharged from hospital and has returned to staying with her hosts. Her walking is coming on well. I know she is extremely grateful to all of you for your wonderful support. Thank you! John Nolan
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- 7 years ago
John Nolan
7 years agoWe carried out Adelaida's bilateral hip replacement surgery this morning and I am pleased to say everything seemed to go according to plan. Adelaida is awake and eating and drinking this evening. Tomorrow she starts her rehabilitation, on her 2 new hips! Thank you to all of you who have made this possible for her. With best wishes, John Nolan
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John Nolan started crowdfunding
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Jul 13, 2018
Hi John,Well done , we knew you could do it! So proud of you.
Friday and Emily Akpobome
Jun 16, 2018
Praying for a successful operation tomorow; Adelaida will be in our thoughts
Michael Hughes
Jun 16, 2018
Our thoughts and prayers are with both the team and Adelaida tomorrow. Michael and Paula
Isabella Parkinson
Jun 16, 2018
With grateful thanks! Jose and Bella
Jun 15, 2018
Jun 14, 2018
We were at the Narthex last week and were inspired by your very well told story. Our prayers will be with Adelaida and the whole team on Sunday for a successful outcome.
peter umezinwa
Jun 14, 2018
John,You're an inspiration! Well done for doing this for Adelaida.Good luck.God bless.
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