We did it!
Barry Warrington raised £1,330 from 54 supporters
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Closed 19/11/2023
Iʼve raised £1,330 to help fund a new website.
- Funded on Sunday, 19th November 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Due to unforeseen technical issues, the National Agromyzidae Recording scheme needs to create a new website before September 2023. The current website (https://agromyzidae.myspecies.info) is used by hundreds of people from all over Europe (and possibly further afield) and to ensure people can still access the most up to date knowledge, a new website needs to be created before it is closed down by NHM later in the year. This will mean the public can continue to be encouraged, engaged and educated about British Agromyzidae as there are no other resources, online or printed, which provide as much information as the schemes moribund website. I have spent thousands of hours making the current website what it is and it would be a massive blow to all those who use the site and to me personally if this free resource was no longer available.
Unfortunately, the cost of creating a new, equivalent, website is beyond my financial capabilities and as a very last resort, I am hoping anyone who has found the scheme and its website valuable may be so kind enough to help.
Thank you.
Updates appear here
Barry Warrington started crowdfunding
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Phil Collins
Oct 12, 2023
Jill Parsons
Aug 14, 2023
Good luck!
Jul 19, 2023
Keep it going!
Tony Davis
Jul 17, 2023
Very much hope you reach your target Barry, no-one deserves the support more
Owen Lonsdale
Jun 26, 2023
The site is one of a kind. As a user I'm happy to contribute to a colleague.
Tony Irwin
Jun 25, 2023
Good luck, Barry!
Jun 25, 2023
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