We did it!
Alex Gallucci raised £54 from 13 supporters
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Closed 29/03/2021
Iʼve raised £54 to build libraries and foster a love of reading for children in developing countries
- Funded on Monday, 29th March 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
We believe that every person deserves an education and to experience the joy of reading. We know the value a single book can have on a child's development and want to ensure that every child has the opportunities. Money raised shall go to Uganda towards building libraries, training teachers, supporting local communities during Covid-19 and so much more!
To win one of Oh My Daisies stunning pieces all you have to do is donate a minimum of £2. For every £2 you give we shall enter you into the draw once. Then comment below with your preferred social media handle (If using Facebook please put your Full name and a link to your page if possible)
Updates appear here
Alex Gallucci started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Dec 22, 2020
This is amazing, congratulations for all the money you have raised so far!!
Dec 17, 2020
ellrosewilson xx
Dec 17, 2020
Maya Eagles
Dec 16, 2020
Good luck! xx
Aisha K
Dec 16, 2020
This is so important! Good luck! x
Kit kat
Dec 6, 2020
Good luck!
Harry Bowden
Dec 6, 2020
@hrrybwdn on Instagram
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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