We did it!
Shelley Sterckx raised £1,230 from 42 supporters
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Closed 17/06/2022
Iʼve raised £1,230 to fund a mobility hoist that is fixed to the horse lorry so that mum can ride and take troy out again
- Clevedon, UK
- Funded on Friday, 17th June 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
On 10th August 2018 everything changed. My beautiful, courageous, 68 year old mum Alvina Shiel had a horse riding accident that has left her paralysed. We don't know how much feeling and movement will return and it's a waiting game. My mums main goal is to ride her beloved horse Troy again. I have found a company who manufacture a hoist that attaches to the horse lorry. This will hoist mum out of her wheelchair and onto Troy. It will mean she can go out to venues and hopefully compete again. This will mean the world to both Mum and Troy and will help her recovery and to maintain some normality and independence. Horse riding is mum's life and I need your help to get this galloping granny back in the saddle.
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Shelley Sterckx started crowdfunding
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Sandra Davies
Oct 27, 2019
Good luck and well done to your mum for getting this far xx
Oct 12, 2019
Hope you get back in the saddle
Joanna Wyatt
Oct 8, 2019
This Is so amazing and shows such strength and determination. I ride out from Tickenham and have passed you in Clapton lane a few times.i have such admiration for you. X
Oct 7, 2019
Good luck and enjoy spending time with your horse
Oct 7, 2019
Let's go Galloping Granny! Hope you reach your target and are soon back in the saddle whenever you want to be.
Katherine Selby
Sep 25, 2019
Lovely to speak to you Alvina and look forward to sharing your story. Meanwhile, here is a modest donation towards the hoist.
Rosie Grinnell
Jun 6, 2019
Keep up the hard work at Neurokinex! Was lovely meeting you, will miss you and the dogs!!
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