We did it!
Amanda Lloyd raised £737 from 22 supporters
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Closed 04/10/2019
Iʼve raised £737 to we are raising money for Ronnie Whitfield who sadly passed away last week to give him a decent sendoff
- Funded on Friday, 4th October 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Ronnie was a face of the london soulboy scene regular at CRACKERS HIS LOCAL WAS CHEEKY PETES & BROLLYS THE BEETROOTE & WAG & CHELSEA football club he was RICHARD BRANSONS private photographer for 20 years a great cheeky chappy
sadly after suffering with depression work drying up illhealth and loosing his dad, mother and beloved dog along with his home he took his own life .
We as friends are hoping to give ronnie a great sendoff and reach out to you all however large or small your donation could be to make this happen again thank you
X ❤
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Amanda Lloyd started crowdfunding
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Pat and Stephen Weeks
Jul 10, 2019
It just isn't the same without him
Andy P
Jun 26, 2019
Thank you for sorting this. We had many fine fun times with Ronnie
Jackie Meaney
Jun 26, 2019
Jackie Meaney
Jun 26, 2019
Best wishesx
Jun 26, 2019
Love an thoughts .Hope you get the sendoff you deserve xx
Michelle Peterson
Jun 25, 2019
Sorry for your loss. I'm donating on behalf of my friend, Kevin O'Dowd.
Martin Drinkwater
Jun 24, 2019
Very sad to hear, keep them laughing on the other side Ronny
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