We did it!
Amelie Huscroft raised £1,834 from 140 supporters
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Closed 04/05/2023
Iʼve raised £1,834 to help Prickles and Paws build their new Hogspital.
- Funded on Thursday, 4th May 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hi, I’m Amelie, I’m 10 years old, I will be completing a 100 mile walk throughout April to help raise money for Prickles and Paws. I love Hedgehogs and am passionate about Hedgehog preservation. I want to help spread awareness about how we can all help to stop their decline. My dream is to set up my own Hedgehog Hospital when I’m older but in the meantime I want to help support Prickles and Paws build their Hogspital. I will be very grateful for any donation you can give.
- 1 year ago
Amelie Huscroft
1 year ago100 miles completed! Thank you so much to every single person that donated, we appreciate it so much. Amelie’s already started planning what she’s going to do next year!
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- 1 year ago
Amelie Huscroft
1 year ago20 miles left to go! Again thank you for all your donations! Very foggy walk yesterday! -From Amelie xx
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- 1 year ago
Amelie Huscroft
1 year agoHalfway through! We’ve walked 51 miles. I’m so happy that there are so many people that care about Hedgehogs and want to help them. Thank you for helping me to each my target. Amelie x
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Amelie Huscroft started crowdfunding
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May 3, 2023
Well done Amelie
Apr 17, 2023
Caroline Sheen
Apr 17, 2023
Welldone Amelie. Such a worthy cause and hope you manage the walk :)
Deborah Fuller
Apr 17, 2023
Well done Amelie, we need more hedgehog hospitals .
Isobel Mackie
Apr 17, 2023
Keep on truckin' for these little critters!
Jacky Westoby
Apr 17, 2023
Well done Amelie, it's lovely that you care so much about animals x
Lucy Conroy
Apr 17, 2023
Great to see young hedgehog champions. Well done. X
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