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Charlotte Ogden raised £60 from 2 supporters
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Closed 02/07/2020
Iʼve raised £60 to help fund a memorial plaque and remembrance tree for Amy Lancashire. This year marks the 5-year anniversary of her tragic death.
- Funded on Thursday, 2nd July 2020
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A unique, funny, happy, loving and caring young woman. Amy was cruelly taken from earth, much too early than she ever should have. Reunited again in Heaven with her beloved daughter; Zahra-Louise.
Devastatingly on the 11th of April 2012; Amys’ daughter Zahra died from S.I.D.S. Amys baby girl gained her wings and became a beautiful little angel at the extremely short age of just 25 days old. Amy agonisingly suffered the grief and loss of her gorgeous baby girl only 2 years before her own heart-breaking death.
Amys death was caused by a R.T.A/R.T.C; which happened as Amy was correctly and safely, using the Pelican crossing to get to the other side of the main road. The terrible event was at the traffic lights/Pelican crossing near to the fire station on Kirkstall Road in Leeds; West Yorkshire. Amy's senseless death has left a giant void and emptiness in so many lives.
Amy was such a compellingly unique character and certainly one of life's greatest people to have known. When Amy was on earth she certainly knew how to have fun and enjoy life. She created many happy memories which will always be shared by her loved ones. Amy brought lots of joy, love and happiness to everyone she knew or met . Throughout her varied life, Amy always was such a delight and pleasure to be around. A laugh or a smile was never off her face for very long. Amy always was such a strong young woman in life who dealt amazingly well with all the troubles and tribulations that life threw at her. She was extremely tenacious; overcoming any problems that she encountered in life whilst constantly staying true to herself and not ever trying to be someone she was not. A one of a kind girl who was such a big character in so many varied and different peoples lives.
Amys death will always be such an awful, upsetting tragedy but Amy and all the wonderful memories with her will live on forevermore through all those who knew her. Amys life will always be celebrated by those who have lost her so her life and memory will go on long into the distant future.
Her beautiful personality as-well as her looks have left a lasting and memorable impression in everyone’s lives. We were all so lucky to have had Amy in our lives. We all feel blessed and lucky to have known Amy whilst she was alive. Whether it was a small or large role that she played in our lives; we all are so grateful now to have had her involved in any shape or form in our lives and pasts.
This year marks the 5th year since the tragic death of beautiful Amy Lancashire. This September 10th we are hoping to have a tree planted and a plaque put up at the location of the R.T.C to honour and remember the death of our beloved Amy. We want to make sure that Amy is always remembered and never forgotten and that her death will not be just another day in history. The tree will grow and be seen by so many different people and will mark the life and death our our loved one for many years to come.
Planning permission and local council approval is needed but the application for permission has already begun but you can help! Please sign our online form to show your support for our public memorial. The more public signatures and support we receive massively increases our chances of approval! Please share our cause to help us gain support from as many people as we can.
Thank you so much!
The shining bright light that was our girl Amy Lancashire couldn't ever just end nor be put out. She is still shining, even brighter than a diamond but now she is watching down from up above.
Amy will always be in our hearts and minds. We will honour her, her memory and remember her forevermore in our lives.
R.I.P Amy Louise Lancashire (Farley)
2nd July 1991 - 10th September 2014
- 6 years ago
Charlotte Ogden
6 years agoAmy’s death was caused by a R.T.A/R.T.C; which happened as Amy was correctly and safely, using the Pelican crossing to get to the other side of the main road. The terrible event was at the traffic lights/Pelican crossing near to the fire station on Kirkstall Road in Leeds; West Yorkshire. Amy's senseless death has left a giant void forevermore. . ONLINE SIGN & SUPPORT PAGE: https://www.jotform.com/form/90307681954362/
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- 6 years ago
Charlotte Ogden
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Charlotte Ogden started crowdfunding
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Peter Ward
Feb 23, 2019
Beautiful words and all the best hope you can raise what you need
Streetshirts team
Feb 22, 2019
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Charlotte Ogden
This year on the 10th September 2019 it will be the fifth year since the tragic death of beautiful Amy Lancashire. This September we are hoping to have a tree planted and a plaque put up at the location of the R.T.C to honour and remember the death of our beloved Amy Lancashire