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Andrea Moran raised £1,785 from 65 supporters


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Closed 28/05/2018

raised of £4,000 target by 65 supporters

    Weʼve raised £1,785 to for a Mumbai ex street child, to have a new prosthetic leg fitted and help and support to rehabilitation.

    Andheri, Maharashtra, India
    Funded on Monday, 28th May 2018

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    One boys journey from the streets of Mumbai, an orphan with a compassionate drive to help others!

    Having just returned from a trip to India, shared wonderful experiences and seen some amazing places. I am compelled to share this story of struggle and selflessness.

    Around 10 years ago, I visited Mumbai in India and lived for 3 months in a home for street children. I got to know a young boy above called Gopala (right) who had lost his leg in a tragic accident. Regardless of this he never let this hinder living life to the full.

    A few weeks ago, sat by the hotel pool in Kerala I got into conversation with an 'exhausted' Human Rights lawyer. She was drained from fighting for the rights of children in remand centres in Delhi, India. She shared with me the cruel inhuman conditions the children endure. They are treated like vermin. Locked up for their own misfortune, being born into poverty, abuse and homelessness and living on the streets.

    My heart went out to them, these little souls, traumatised, locked up, frightened and sick. No love, no care, alone. Many being physically sick and in emotional distress (most likely in fear of being raped by other boys if they had not been abused already).

    When I returned home to the UK I received another letter from a girl I write to in prison here in the UK. Yes, she has committed horrible crimes when she was a child. She had been abandoned and rejected as a child, abused and almost killed. She is now an adult... by one year (and in adult prison) but still emotionally a child, let down by all of us.... So we are not in any arrogant position in the UK to judge the Indian situation for children.

    But I am in the position to stand up as a human being and say, this inhuman, cruel, dehumanising torture of our children and young people cannot continue in our world. It has to stop and we have to be a voice for the voiceless and the powerless.

    (L-R) Gopala, Sister Cyrilla ( Mother of many at one of the Snehasadan homes 1997) & Amin Sheikh, owner of the Bombay to Barcelona Cafe)

    This is how we can play a part in breaking this cycle of pain...

    In Mumbai there is a wonderful cafe called 'Bombay to Barcelona' which helps ex-street children who have lived at Snehasadan (a home for street children). It provides work and transforms their lives. The cafe is run by an ex street child - Amin Sheikh.

    Gopala now works at the cafe and is mentored and coached by Amin. It was wonderful to see him, and to appreciate how well he has done carving his own way in the world. Full of ambition, wishing to help others coming from a similar background to himself.

    Even though he lives with pain and obvious disability, his smile is infectous. He walks with a twisted spine (caused from the crudely fitting false leg), and without seeking specialist help, Gopala will continue to have mobility issues.

    His dream is to have a good life in the service of others. Helping other street children get off the streets, showing them that there are options of work and new lives.

    I am asking for your help in raising £4000 for Gopala to see a specialist Dr who can measure & fit him with a Prosthetic leg and then work with him to rehabilitation.

    Any money raised over the £4000 will be donated to the 'Bombay to Barcelona' cafe to help other street children.

    In helping this young man you will be helping many children, he is a wonderful, dynamic, inspirational and special person. Lets take back this world and fill it with love, I am done with fear and hate and evil. Please help.



    • Andrea Moran6 years ago
      Andrea Moran

      Andrea Moran

      6 years ago

      Amazing guys £1715 raised so far that is absolutely awesome thankyou XXXX

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Andrea Moran6 years ago
      Andrea Moran

      Andrea Moran

      6 years ago

      hey lovelies more donations have been rolling in THANKYOU... like every step we take to climb a mountain WE are together climbing the metaphorical mountain here, who knows maybe with your help Gopala may be able to climb a mountain too when we reach this target and he can have his new prosthetic leg ! Who will give £15 tonight to take the total from £1385 to £1400 :-) :-) It could be YOU !!! XXX

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Andrea Moran6 years ago
      Andrea Moran

      Andrea Moran

      6 years ago

      £1325 has been raised by 48 people for Gopala's prosthetic leg, to change his life ! And he is a young man who has a dream to help poor and vulnerable children in his country. This is so awesome, every day the total creeps up !!! Sooo moving... that as we stand together we make change! My original dream was that 400 people could donate £10 per person and BINGO we make £4000. Please join hands with us and help us by sharing this post, and help us to reach our target thankyou X

      Share this update to help us raise more

    7 years ago

    Andrea Moran started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 3/31/2018 13.03



    • Esther Miquel

      Esther Miquel

      Mar 31, 2018

      My support!And also for all "Bombay to Barcelona Library Café" people!


    • Elaine Coppola

      Elaine Coppola

      Mar 31, 2018

      Great cause. Well done Andrea. xx


    • Carme, Anna i Miquel Angel.

      Carme, Anna i Miquel Angel.

      Mar 29, 2018

      Good luck!


    • Anonymous


      Mar 20, 2018

      Dear Andrea ..God bless your efforts..


    • Anonymous


      Mar 19, 2018


    • Anton, Meritxell i Roger

      Anton, Meritxell i Roger

      Mar 19, 2018

      Best of luck!


    • Miquel


      Mar 19, 2018

      Never get discouraged. Good luck.


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    Andrea Moran

    Andrea Moran

    Andheri, Maharashtra, India

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