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Closed 01/09/2019

raised of £18,000 target by 0 supporters

    Iʼve raised £0 to free my father in law from a legal case against his deceased wife which has prevented him carrying on with life and seeing his family grow

    Closed on Sunday, 1st September 2019

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    I am reaching out to the public for an offering to help stop the hurt my wife and her family are going through.

    My wifes family are from Brazil and moved to London in 2005 where they settled in the UK. During their time they became very popular with the local community and church due to the help they offered to others. Mainly giving others in need of shelter a home to get their life back on track. A few years had passed and the mother fell pregnant and had her third child. A baby boy. Following the birth she received a phone call from her mother living in brazil that she was unwell. So the whole family set out on a trip to brazil in hope that they could turn the grandmothers fortunes around.

    They arrived in brazil and lived in a small town in what would be considered as countryside but with the added effect of more vegetation. So being this kind loving person my wifes mother was she decided to allow someone in need of shelter into their home. She asked him if she could help by giving him shelter, clothing and food and in return he would help maintain the garden to which the man accepted. Later on my wifes mother started to allow the man to also harvest the palm trees of their fruit so he could start his own business and the relationship blossomed.

    Unfortunately my wifes mother developed cancer and passed away in brazil leaving the family in pieces. My wife and eldest brother in law returned to the UK leaving the father and younger brother (aged 4) in brazil so they could support the family needs.

    My father in law then met his new partner in brazil who had a run in with the gardener. Leaving the gardener very angry at the way he was being treated by this new women. This new women also got in the way of the fathers healthy relationship he once had with the gardener.

    The gardener met with a solicitor who told him he can claim back unpaid wages against the father, deceased wife and new girlfriend if he said that the family offered no support durning his stay to which he stupidly agreed.

    A court case then began and my father in law had to find a witness to prove the gardener was being given shelter, clothing, food and access to fruits which he sold as part of a business.

    In court the witness my father in law used had been bribed 5000reais which is roughly £1000 to say the opposite answer.

    The judge ruled that my father in law would now owe the gardener 90000reais which is roughly £17600.

    Following this ruling my father in laws bank account, passport and property were all frozen. He cannot leave the country, he cannot sell his property and he has no money.

    My wife and I decided to marry in Brazil in 2017. We took the whole family from the UK over to brazil for the wedding and when we returned to the UK we took with us my wifes little brother who was not well and needed medical attention.

    I am hoping anyone reading this can help our family. We cant afford to free my father in law of this debt. He has been stuck in brazil for 4 Years how and the courts continue to wait for this payment of £17600 before he can have his freedom back.

    My wife and I have recently had a baby boy and our dream is to reunite the whole family.



    Andrew Mitchell

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      6 years ago

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      Page last updated on: 5/4/2019 11.52



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        Andrew Mitchell

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