We did it!
andy higgins raised £8,310 from 256 supporters
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Closed 12/06/2022
Iʼve raised £8,310 to Finance the Jimmy Armfield Mural
- Blackpool, England
- Funded on Sunday, 12th June 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are hoping to transform the gable end wall of the supporters club into an iconic mural of Blackpool and England legend Jimmy Armfield in early 2022.
Everything good about The Armfield Club has been created by the supporters for the supporters so it would be great to get as many as possible contributing to this cause as possible.
We are therefore requesting a minimum of £10 per supporter (or whatever amount each of you can afford). If we get 500 supporters this will bring in a minimum of £5,000 which is halfway towards the cost of the project.
Once completed we will create a plaque listing all the names of supporters who contributed and get this up on the wall in the Armfield Bar.
The will be a similar idea to the Roll of Honour created by Mick Page for the We Are The Seasiders fundraiser, with a picture of the above mural.
Updates appear here
andy higgins started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
John Millburn
May 13, 2022
Mike Latham
May 11, 2022
Thanks for the donation Mike - good to see you earlier in The ARMFIELD Club - UTP 🧡
Richard Kingson
May 9, 2022
Sorry for being sh!t... my wife made me do it.
May 9, 2022
VitalBlackpool Prediction League
May 8, 2022
Big Bertha
May 5, 2022
Had to round it up LOL
John taggart
May 3, 2022
Northern Ireland seasiders 🍊
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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