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Andy Short raised £1,249 from 52 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2021
Iʼve raised £1,249 to help support The Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) by Paddle Boarding across the English Channel solo 2020
- Broadstairs, United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 1st September 2021
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To learn more about me and my fundraising project please click on the link below and have a listen to my live interview on Academy FM .......
Live Radio Interview - Saturday 16th June 2018
My Story
I was horrified to learn of the illegal trapping and killing of our migratory song birds such as Robins and Thrushes. Robins in-particular are illegally trapped and killed in large numbers and then sold on the black market often to butchers and restaurants, ultimately destined for the cooking pot. Surprisingly Robins are one of the most popular delicacies in the Mediterranean. Sadly the trade of dead song birds in Europe is a highly profitable business.
In 2006 I discovered the incredible work of the Bonn based non profit organisation 'The Committee Against Bird Slaughter' also known as CABS. They employ a real grass roots approach to bird conservation and protection. CABS run successful bird protection camps right across Europe, focusing on bird poaching hot-spots such as Malta, Italy and Cyprus.
For the last 14 years I've been regularly volunteering for CABS in Brescia, Northern Italy. In small covert teams we help find and locate illegal bird traps which are often very well hidden in the high mountains. We then show these locations to the Italian Forest Police who then ambush and arrest the poacher. Last year a whopping 48 poachers where caught and faced prosecution. In addition more than 800 wild caged birds were discovered and where possible were either liberated or rehabilitated.
In 2017 CABS actually ran a total of 25 bird protection camps together with over 160 volunteers. The results of their field investigations speak for themselves. Last year a staggering 8,000+ bird traps were located and seized, and over 100 poachers faced prosecution.
I'm very proud of my involvement with CABS and of all the hard work they do on our behalf protecting migratory birds. Your donations will go directly to CABS to help fiance their operations.
Lets keep our birds alive for everyone's enjoyment and not illegal killed for the financial greed of the few!
Please donate today
Thank you
Andy Short
- 4 years ago
Andy Short
4 years agoAfter yet another frustrating season on standby to Paddle Board across the English Channel. I wait fraught with broken engines, weeks waiting for spare parts and COVID restrictions. I've decided in the meantime to take on the virtual North Pole Challenge. To complete 400km by run/walk/jog in the month of December 2020. A challenge refreshingly reliant only on my own two legs and my own will and determination! A big thank you to all those who have already been generous enough to sponsor me, be rest assured the Channel Paddle WILL happen !
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- 7 years ago
Andy Short
7 years agoThank you so much to everyone who came to my Curry & Magic Night fund raising event on Wednesday 11th April. On the night we managed to raise an impressive £678 for CABS, which really is magic! without your support this wouldn't have been possible. A massive and sincere thank you goes to Clint and Magic Mark from Spinning Top Entertainment. You kept everyone mesmerised with such a high standard and variety of magic tricks. Last, but no means least a big thank you goes to Raj and his team of friendly staff at Secret Spices Indian restaurant.
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- 7 years ago
Andy Short
7 years agoA very big thank you to everyone who’s supported me so far. I really appricate the kind words of encouragement. Every donation will make a difference to help keep our birds alive! Please visit me Facebook page: Paddle for Bird Protection
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Andy Short started crowdfunding
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Yorkshire Lass
Apr 9, 2021
Brilliant venture for a brilliant cause. Good luck and thanks for what you're doing. Make a difference!
Richard Hoare
Dec 21, 2020
Well done, mate. Keep up the good work! X
James Callaghan
Dec 8, 2020
A great effort spud and I’m honoured to be joining you on the challenges. CABS are very close to my heart and continue to do some awesome work around the world.
peter partington
Dec 12, 2019
Anyone who loves birds must be with you !
Sep 14, 2019
Thank you for paddling to stop bird slaughter
Luke Moss
Aug 22, 2019
Great cause.Recently went to the Bird fair and listened to a talk by CABS. It's fantastic that there are people like yourself so committed to stopping this horrific slaughter.
Matt Lane
Jul 1, 2018
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Andy Short
Broadstairs, United Kingdom
My love for birds developed at a very young age when my Dad took me twitching for rare birds. I went on my first international birding trip aged 16 to Hong Kong and been hooked ever since! I'm now a passionate wildlife photographer, globe trotter, avid surfer and paddle boarder!