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Angela Baird raised £5 from 1 supporter
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Closed 23/09/2019
Iʼve raised £5 to nicole my daughter has got in to the final of miss junior teen Great Britain 2019 where she will represent her home town Larkhall
- Funded on Monday, 23rd September 2019
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My daughter is the most amazing girl i know and beautiful to which i entered her in the miss Junior teen GB 2019 and on friday 24th may 2019 nicole was told she has won a place in the Grand finalist where she will be representing her home town as MISS JUNIOR TEEN LARKHALL 2019 which will take place in Blackpool on the 19&20 of october 2019 Nicole sponsorship fee is £351 and we would like to ask help raise this for the Grand final for a once in a lifetime experience thank u
- 5 years ago
Angela Baird
5 years agoSponsors4nicole4the grand final can be Friends/Family/Company- As Pageant Girl is VAT reg so sponsors be able2claim the VAT back! if you would like2know more you can at www.missteengreatbritain.co.uk-If a company becomes a sponsor,we would display their logo and link on www.missteengreatbritain.com alongside nicoles details4the period up2and including grand final in oct2019!! name mentioned on stage at the grand final Promotion in the final brochure and they can have their marketing materials eg, flyers,leaflets,distributed2all guests,finalists
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Elaine McFarlane
May 27, 2019
A wee contribution xx good luck Nicole, yer a wee star x
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