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Anna Buckley raised £56,236.5 from 1170 supporters


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Closed 30/09/2022

raised of £100,000 target by 1170 supporters

    Iʼve raised £56,236 to Polsko - Brytyjska solidarność z Ukrainá! PISC-CIC & PARTNERZY

    Funded on Friday, 30th September 2022

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    UPDATE: 19/04/2022

    We are raising £100,000 to send humanitarian convoys to Ukrainian refugees in the Ukraine and Poland. So far we have sent 45 lorries, 2 vans!

    Our next convoy will leave Liverpool at 22.4.2022 at 2pm. with at least 8 lorries!

    The last convoy left Wrexham on 12.03.22 and UK collected goods were delivered to children homes housing Ukrainian children, Caritas and Polish local authorities providing shelter for Ukrainian refugees and many more. Since then, we have been working relentlessly to prepare for the desperately needed next convoy which plans to leave in 1 week. We still have 8 warehouses filled with donations but need to pay for storage, transportation and packaging to ensure the items reach Ukrainian refugees.


    Zbieramy £100 000 funtów na wysyłanie konwojów humanitarnych do ukraińskich uchodźców na Ukrainie i w Polsce. Do tej pory wysłaliśmy 38 ciężarówek, co stanowi 1064 ton darowizn. Ostatni konwój wyjechał z Wrexham 12.03.22, a zebrane w Wielkiej Brytanii towary zostały dostarczone do domów dziecka, w których mieszkają ukraińskie dzieci, do Caritas, do polskich władz lokalych zapewniających schronienie ukraińskim uchodźcom oraz do wielu innych organizacji. Od tego czasu nieustannie pracujemy nad przygotowaniem się do rozpaczliwie wyczekiwanego w Polsce następnego konwoju, który planuje odjechać za 1 tydzień. Nadal mamy 8 magazynów wypełnionych darowiznami, ale musimy zapłacić za przechowywanie, transport i pakowanie darow, aby upewnic sie, że przedmioty dotrą do ukraińskich uchodźców

    UPDATE: 07/03/22

    Thank you for your incredible support over the last week. We have received THOUSANDS of items from across Wales, England and Scotland. The response has been overwhelming, filling community centres, churches and warehouses to bursting point across our network. Our hearts have been touched by this amazing collective kindness.

    We are now closed for all non-medical donations.

    As a result of this huge outpouring of support, we will need considerably more vehicles to transport all of the goods. We have therefore stretched our original goal to £100,000 to cover these additional logistical costs. This is how much we believe at this stage we will need to make sure that everything that we have received reaches the people who need it.

    Each lorry costs roughly £2000, and at this stage we expect to send up to approximately 60 lorries. We will keep you updated with our plans as they develop. For the latest information, please follow our facebook page:

    If you would prefer to give directly to enable us to receive the funds more quickly, you can find details for direct payment on our website:

    Again, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all of your contributions of goods, time and money. We couldn't do this without you.




    The deadline is 4/3/22 because every day counts, and our aim is to send out as much as we can as quickly as possible; We aim to send out a fleet of trucks to get to Poland-Ukraine border. This will help war refugee's with children who were forced to flee the conflict with Russia.

    Alternatively, you can send items purchased online to the same address before the 4th of March. We can also collect larger quantities from you (please contact us on 07736223022).

    The support is coordinated by the PISC organisation based in Wrexham ( Drop-off locations in other cities are listed in the image below.

    If your means allow helping financially instead, please support the project through the JustGiving account set up by PISC director Anna Buckley

    All collected funds will be used to cover the costs of transporting the donations from Wrexham to the warehouses on the Poland-Ukraine border where the families will be housed.



    Pragnę poinformować że Polish Integration Support Centre podjęła się przewodniczenia i koordynacji akcji ''Polsko-Brytyjska Solidarność z Ukrainą" wraz z Polakami z którymi współpracujemy od lat. Akcji przewodniczymy w zbieraniu; odzież termiczna, śpiwory, kredki, zabawki, koce życia, koce, plastry, szampony, worki na krew, apteczki, odzież (NOWA) podpaski, chusteczki nawilżające, metalowe kubki ;

    Akcja zbierania datków obejmuje następujące hrabstwa; WREXHAM, CHESTER ,OSWESTRY, LIVERPOOL , MANCHESTER, LONDYN , FLINT, TELFORD, WHITCHURC. Na plakacie macie podanych liderów danego hrabstwa do kontaktu((Imiona, nazwiska, adresy i tel), w razie problemów pozostaje do dyspozycji (07523627826-Anna Buckley)

    Rzeczy będą zbierane od 28.2.2022 do 4.3.2022 w punktach i u osób które są wymienione w plakacie. Pieniądze są kluczowe aby opłacić transport oraz zakupić potrzebujące rzeczy dla potrzebujących.

    Na dzień dzisiejszy; Przeszło 400 tys. dzieci i kobiet przez granice. Planowane jest od 3 do 5 mil osób. My wspieramy POLAKÓW na granicy w punktach przyjmowania uchodźców (Zakon Maltański )



    • Anna Buckley3 years ago
      Anna Buckley

      Anna Buckley

      3 years ago

      Thank you for your incredible support over the last week. We have received THOUSANDS of items from across the UK, & we are now closed for all non-medical donations. As a result of this huge outpouring of support, we will need considerably more vehicles to transport all of the goods. We have therefore stretched our original goal to £100,000 to cover these additional logistical costs. This is how much we believe at this stage we will need to make sure that everything that we have received reaches the people who need it. Again, thank you!

      Share this update to help us raise more

    3 years ago

    Anna Buckley started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 5/1/2022 20.50



    • Lindsey Page

      Lindsey Page

      May 1, 2022

      In memory of my Grandmother, Julia Horodynskich18.12.1886 - 22.06.1963


    • Anonymous


      May 1, 2022

    • Anonymous


      Apr 22, 2022


    • Anonymous


      Apr 19, 2022


    • Anonymous


      Apr 19, 2022


    • Anonymous


      Apr 16, 2022

    • Janet Henderson

      Janet Henderson

      Apr 15, 2022

      Fantastic effort everyone


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    Anna Buckley

    Anna Buckley


    Organizacja Polish Integration Support Centre jest (PISC) jest instytucją społeczną zarejestrowaną jako Community Interest Company, popularyzują wspólny kanon dewizy Wojska Polskiego którym jest: ” Bóg, Honor ,Ojczyzna”

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