We did it!
William Kerry raised £724.29 from 23 supporters
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Closed 06/04/2020
Iʼve raised £724 to towards Anna Poppy's Army Appeal
- Funded on Monday, 6th April 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
What is Anna Poppy’s Army?
Anna Poppy was diagnosed with a medullablastoma (brain tumour) in December 2017 shortly after her 2nd Birthday. Since then Anna has endured a 9-hour operation, 6 months of chemotherapy whilst also being confined to a room for 5 weeks.
On the 4th February after her 3rd scan the devastating call was received to say the scan showed a tumour in her spine. The cancer is now metatastic and very aggressive. The only current option is radiotherapy to the brain and spine for 6 weeks. Several options for further treatment have been identified in America. However, this would need to be self-funded and would be in the region of £50,000.
As friends of the family we would like to raise £200 towards the cause and help save this little girl.
I’m hoping to raise some money today to help, so please give what you can!
Updates appear here
William Kerry started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jun 11, 2019
Good luck in your fundraising efforts from AnchorHanover residents coffee morning
AB Agri
Mar 18, 2019
Mar 14, 2019
Mar 14, 2019
Well done Sophie and Will.
Cash donations
Mar 12, 2019
Eleanor Hunnybun
Mar 12, 2019
Great cake - one happy Coeliac! I hope the money is raised to help little Anna, what a brave little girl and parents also
Mar 12, 2019
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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