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Douglas Booker raised £315 from 19 supporters
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Closed 06/11/2020
Iʼve raised £315 to get anti-racist literature into the hands of those who want to educate themselves
- Funded on Friday, 6th November 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Borrowing the idea from the amazing fundraising initiative by Dr Jess Wade which is helping to distribute free books that fight for racial justice: Superior by Angela Saini and Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge. I wanted to follow suit and help spread the word of a book that really helped to open my eyes and shape my thinking about race and class in the UK: Akala's 'Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire'.
This fundraising campaign will be used to buy copies of Akala's 'Natives' and to distribute them to people who want to educate themselves. All proceeds will be used to buy / ship books. The only condition is that you don't only read the books, but you share them, discuss them, and join the fight to make the world a more fair place.
Seeking some advice. Rather than buy the books from Amazon or a large bookstore, it would be great to buy from black owned bookstores. Can anyone help with recommendations?
- 4 years ago
Douglas Booker
4 years agoHi everyone, Just a quick update now that the fundraising page is closed. In the end we partnered with Lancaster University's black history month. The uni matched the fundraising amount which meant we could get 100 copies of Natives! They also ran a series of reading groups to discuss the book (see here https://lancaster.libguides.com/blackhistorymonth) Thanks again for your support! All the best, Doug
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Josh Sendall
Sep 7, 2020
Best wishes :)
Sep 4, 2020
Praise be Doug, solid idea pal
Sep 4, 2020
Sep 4, 2020
Love this idea - and your choice of title! Wishing you all the very best with your fundraising.
Jun 26, 2020
Belated Happy Birthday Doug!!
Jun 19, 2020
Hey, want to get a drink some time?
Jun 19, 2020
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