We did it!
Keisha Pile-Gray raised £31,441.53 from 1047 supporters
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Closed 31/10/2021
Iʼve raised £31,441 to fund life saving treatment for Aurora to reach transplant.
- Margate
- Funded on Sunday, 31st October 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
In a week's time, Aurora's fate could be decided, a week.
What started as a fundraiser to get Aurora over to America has now changed to fund potential treatment in the UK which may no longer be available to her on the NHS. Aurora has responded to her first cycle of Inotuzumab but we are now unsure as to whether or not the company who sponsors the trial will allow her to continue. Whilst some professionals would happily support her with platelet transfusions to carry on the sponsor may not, and since her counts aren't recovering it's likely they won't.
The drug can only be sourced when all other options have failed and this is our last chance. Aurora needs another cycle to bridge her to transplant and if the sponsor say no, it comes at a cost. If everything goes to plan, we will be on our way to transplant in a month, something we have desperately been waiting 6 months for, and 1 long year after her initial diagnosis. We are putting everything we possibly have in to this very last chance for Aurora to stay with us, and we hope more than everything we get the go ahead.
We're almost at the target, and we are so grateful for everyone's generosity! Please share Aurora's story and help us reach it so that we are prepared to purchase the drug if options fail. This could be the difference between planning a birthday or a funeral this year and we've waited so long to feel even slightly hopeful that she's going to make it through this. It's been a dark time for everyone this year, but we really have felt it. Transplant means months away from family, friends and everyone we love whilst Aurora battles continuously, but it's her only hope in seeing out the next year, 5 years, 10 years...
Nobody ever wants to ask for help, but when it comes to our children, we would do absolutely anything we can to keep her safe, happy and healthy.
- 4 years ago
Keisha Pile-Gray
4 years agoBy far the hardest thing I've ever written, but it's the one of the only things that stops me crying. I don't want to think or feel anymore, and I'm okay when I'm busy, but when I'm still, the tears don't stop coming. Thank you for all of your supportive messages, I can't believe this is happening 💔 https://growingpainspaperplanes.wordpress.com/2021/01/01/second-time-relapse/
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- 4 years ago
Keisha Pile-Gray
4 years agoFirstly, thank you to each and every person who has donated a single penny to the fundraiser, we're eternally grateful for each of you, but also those who haven't been able to donate and still shared, commented or encouraged everyone to become a donor. As it stands, Aurora is in high spirits but her condition is volatile. She is currently in isolation and has been on antifungals, antivirals and antibiotic medications to fight infections. Space is limited here so please continue to check and follow the blog for updates on Aurora's treatment!
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Keisha Pile-Gray started crowdfunding
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Ryan Bunce
Apr 30, 2021
Jude Whitbread
Apr 20, 2021
All strength and love to Aurora, Keisha and your family. X
Apr 11, 2021
Apr 6, 2021
Rebecca Hewitt
Apr 4, 2021
Apr 3, 2021
Glam Event Hire Ltd
Mar 30, 2021
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Keisha Pile-Gray
To find out more information about Aurora's cancer diagnosis and journey please follow the blog: www.growingpainspaperplanes.wordpress.com and instagram: @all.perfectly imperfect