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Kent Messenger raised £7,665 from 358 supporters
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Closed 21/06/2018
Iʼve raised £7,665 to give Tony Smith a bright future
- Maidstone, UK
- Funded on Thursday, 21st June 2018
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Tony Smith was just 41 days old when he was taken to hospital with multiple fractures in his legs and suffering an infection of septicaemia. He had to have both legs amputated and his biological parents have now been jailed for 10 years.
He has been adopted by a loving and caring family who are doing everything they can to give him the best life possible. The Kent Messenger team is putting this page together to help them and thank them for what they are doing to help this young boy who was so cruelly treated.
During Tony's parents' trial at Maidstone Crown Court Judge Philip Statman called his adopted parents "stars" and we couldn't have put it better ourselves.
- 7 years ago
Kent Messenger
7 years agoThis week the Kent Messenger ran an update on little Tony with his new family. Our Just Giving page closes very soon with £7,645 raised for the tot. We can't wait to see the difference it makes to his life.
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- 7 years ago
Kent Messenger
7 years agoWe are overwhelmed by the amount raised in just two days. We had no idea how much to set as the target so it has been increased yet again. Thank you everyone who has donated, it means so much.
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- 7 years ago
Kent Messenger
7 years agoThank you everyone who has donated already! We can't believe how amazing you lot have been in donating so we have increased the target.
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Kent Messenger started crowdfunding
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Jun 19, 2018
Jun 19, 2018
This story has broken my heart. But what an inspirational little boy!
Laura Avery
Jun 9, 2018
You are loved and cherished , never think anything less , i'm so sorry for whats happened , but thrilled that you blessed the lives of your new parents xx
Jun 8, 2018
Love and prayers
Liz Jenkins
Jun 7, 2018
What an inspirational little boy and an amazing couple. I was in tears, and hugged my 8mth old that bit more this morning. Gorgeous family. Have an amazing time at Peppa Pig World xx
Jun 7, 2018
So Brave - Tony and your parents you deserve the best and honoured to send from our family to yours with all best wishes
Jun 7, 2018
Read about your story and you are incredible parents and citizens. May your little boy have a lifetime of happiness in the loving home you have given him.
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