We did it!
Erika Bradley raised £1,697 from 72 supporters
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Closed 17/06/2019
Iʼve raised £1,697 to The Bennett Bradley Trust in memory of my brother, Adam Bradley.
- Greenwich, London
- Funded on Monday, 17th June 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
I know there are a million deserving charities out there, however I decided that I would not only dedicate my marathon run to my brother Adam, but I would help ensure that his beautiful 3 year old son Bennett, has what he needs as he continues to grow up without his Dad. All donations will be deposited into the Bennett Bradley Trust.
Choosing to run this marathon initially was an arm twist by my dear work wife, Chloe. However it's turned out to be much more than that because as I train week by week, I realise that it's not only a test of physical strength but mental as well. Running in memory of Adam is what has been getting me through the countless hours of running, stretching, shin splints and gel packs. I visualise him running right there beside me, cracking jokes and sprinting ahead of me in his awful barefoot running shoes and cheering me on and giving me the strength to push through the pain.
So to you brother, I dedicate this Southampton Marathon. Always in my thoughts.
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Erika Bradley started crowdfunding
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May 7, 2019
Late, soz 😬 hope you smashed it
James and Nour
May 5, 2019
Goodluck Erika!!!
Steph O’Hara
May 5, 2019
Go Erika xx
Mike and Fiona
May 5, 2019
You will be amazing!!
Kelly Woolford
May 5, 2019
Go Erika!
Matt Rodford
May 5, 2019
May 5, 2019
Good luck Erika, love Chloe and Arun x
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