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TRACEY NORMAN raised £3,209.69 from 93 supporters
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Closed 15/01/2020
Iʼve raised £3,209 to Help to fund a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), consumables other helpful aids. Extra costs incurred by her condition. Type 1 Diabetes.
- Essex
- Funded on Wednesday, 15th January 2020
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Thank you for taking the time out to read our story.
16th January 2018, the day is so very clearly kept in our minds. The thoughts of nearly loosing our youngest. The day our world got turned upside down. That moment you notice your child deteriorating so very rapidly and very close to being in a coma. The day our 2 year old daughter was rushed into hospital after calling 999. The paramedics arrived in the quickest time possible and we had the best team on arrival at Queens Hospital, but we was waiting helplessly for 11 hours in the intensive care unit beside our princess. The 11 doctors, nurses and specialists were all looking for answers, upon her results they explained that she was a very poorly little girl and she could take at least 12 hours to retain full consciousness. She was so lifeless and all we could do was sit and wait after what felt like a lifetime. Which potentially could of been a life. They diagnosed Bella with Type 1 Diabetes, she had Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) which meant her pancreas had stopped working and would never work again, meaning that she was unable to produce her own insulin. On testing her blood sugar levels the readings of average levels usually are between 4 and 10, Bella's were 42!
Type 1 Diabetes is a disorder in which the body has trouble regulating blood glucose, or blood sugar levels. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that produces insulin. Insulin is a hormone that enables sugar to enter the bloodstream to be used for cells for energy or stored for later use. Without a working pancreas a person with type 1 diabetes can not process glucose and their blood sugar levels can get dangerously high or low. This chronic condition is not weight related. But it can be managed by taking insulin and a healthy lifestyle. As yet there is no known cure.
Diabetes never sleeps!
It took many hours for Bella to come back around and it wasn't until Day 3 that Bella opened her eyes fully. She was unable to move much as she was still so very week.
Diabetic nurses visited the ward that Bella had been kept on and explained to us that we had lots of tough days ahead of us and so much crucial learning of how to treat and care for our 2 year old little girl. Before we knew it, we was given a blood test machine, injection pens, blood test strips, Keytone machine, books, websites and leaflets which was going to take days/weeks/months and possibly years to learn.
Bella was kept in for a week, our nights of sleep became less and less, as the constant worry of what her levels were day and night took over. Her injections were very scary, starting from 5 per day to many more as she gradually got her appetite back (every time she ate an injection was needed). Blood tests had to be taken every two hours, sometimes 15 minutes apart if she was having hypos and every time before eating, this added up to about 15-20 a day.
After being diagnosed a month in, Bella was given a blessing from the NHS and was offered the medtroic 640g insulin pump. This then allowed a better life for Bella, it gave her more ease when eating and meant she had less injections. Bella still requires a cannula change every 2 days, possibly more if there is a failure with the consumable. Also emergency injections may have to be put in place. The sleepless nights still continue, even now. After a month of getting to grips with how the pump worked, Queens Hospital offered her a trial with a CGM, this is the other part of the pump which makes the medtronic work to its best capabilities.
CGM - information
A glucose sensor is a tiny electrode that measures your glucose levels. It sits under the skin in your interstitial fluid, where cells get oxygen and nutrients, including glucose. Glucose sensors are easily inserted using an automatic insertion device: like many types of infusion sets, a needle is used to insert the glucose sensor. The needle is then removed leaving just the tiny flexible electrode under the skin. The glucose sensor is then connected either to a transmitter so that readings can be sent to your insulin pump or monitor, or a recorder for downloading to software once remove (Hypo = Low & Hyper = high blood sugar levels)
Hypoglycemia is dangerous here are some of the signs: Trembling and feeling shaky , sweating, being anxious or irritable , going pale , palpitations and a fast pulse, lips feeling tingly , blurred sight , being hungry , feeling tearful , tiredness , having a headache , lack of concentration.
Hyperglycemia is dangerous here are some of the early signs: Increased thirst, Headaches , Trouble concentrating , Blurred vision ,Frequent peeing Fatigue (weak, tired feeling) ,Weight loss .
Ongoing high blood sugar may cause: Skin infections , Slow-healing cuts and sores , Poor vision, Nerve damage causing painful cold or insensitive feet, loss of hair on the lower extremities, Stomach and intestinal problems such as chronic constipation or diarrhoea, Damage to your eyes, blood vessels & kidneys, plus more in later life.
The benefit of wearing the CGM; less blood tests, ability to control and learn the levels better, managing highs and lows, which if not managed correctly can affect later on in life.
The CGM unfortunately is not funded on the NHS in our area because of a postcode lottery! Although our little girl does seems to hit all the criteria governed. We have sent numerous emails out to local MP's, London MP's and even to our very Own Prime Minister Teresa May. Yes Teresa May, who is also Type 1 Diabetic!
All this above comes at a very high price and on going costs hence the reason behind our fundraising.
We are asking for your kind help to aid us in keeping our daughter alive and many others also fighting to live with Type 1 Diabetes
- 6 years ago
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
TRACEY NORMAN started crowdfunding
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Victory Marine Lodge No. 6160
Oct 8, 2019
Victory Marine Lodge at Upminster held a raffle in support of Bella and raised £420. We hope this helps a little towards achieving your target. Our best wishes to Bella x
Sep 30, 2019
Raised by the children and staff from Rainham Village Primary school and Nursery
Sep 26, 2019
Raised by the children and staff from Rainham Village Primary School & Nursery from a non-uniform day.
Jul 5, 2019
Very best wishes from The Redbridge Lodge 7145.
Derrick Lewis
Jul 5, 2019
Very best wishes from The Redbridge Lodge 7175.
Ian Stevenson (Victory Marine)
Jun 8, 2019
Best Wishes
Mr. Willis
May 23, 2019
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Our daughter born in 2015 contracted Type 1 Diabetes. Helping us all to live a normal as possible life.