We did it!
Benjamin Pentreath raised £30,933 from 372 supporters
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Closed 01/08/2021
Iʼve raised £30,933 to help repair the beautiful windows at Littlebredy Church
- Littlebredy, West Dorset, UK
- Funded on Sunday, 1st August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
I wanted to start this story by thanking everyone for their INCREDIBLE generosity. In less than one week, from 2 instagram posts and 1 blog, amazing, generous people from around the world made a huge number of donations, some very large, some very small but equally important. I'd made a pledge that my company was going to match fund £1 for £1. I'm not sure if that helped encourage people - but either way - we've reached our target of £30,000 far more quickly than I could have dreamed possible.
I'm going to continue to promote the fundraiser more widely though. In our tiny church, we have continuing issues for repair and looking after the fabric, some of which are less, how can I put it, beautiful than the windows. The wiring needs renewing this year otherwise we lose our insurance. We are longing to install a WC for visitors and worshipers to be able to access. And so on.
But, more importantly, I've learned through the campaign of a lot of other organisations who we wish to help - including the Friends of Friendless Churches, and others. So, we'll make that a priority too when planning our next steps - as there are so many other deserving causes.
I just want to thank everyone for their incredible support. And please - watch this space for Charlie's beautiful cards coming soon. And we haven't even had the cake day in the summer yet!!!
Here's how we started our appeal:
Two years ago, the wider instagram and internet community supported incredible fundraising efforts for the re-roofing of our beautiful village church. That work was completed to the highest standard, and the roof is now good for decades to come.
Last year, we carried out another fabric report on the church and a new problem has emerged. The beautiful stained glass windows, which give pleasure to so many people, need long-overdue repair. We'd been waiting to start this until the roof was fixed, but we've now got quotations to do the work which is going to cost approximately £6000 per window, or £30,000 in total. Our tiny community, here in beautiful West Dorset, will be doing all we can to raise the funds to allow the works to happen this year, but our ability to fundraise locally has been severely impacted by the virus and hence, once again, we are turning to the wider world in a deep-hearted appeal for help!
Our windows are absolutely beautiful....

But a quick glance might miss the damage that has slowly, inexorably been occuring over many years now - both to the glass itself, which is moving out of shape, and to the iron fixings and stonework.

There is an urgent need to carry out a full programme of gentle repair now, rather than waiting until the problem gets worse and much bigger and harder to solve.
Will you help repair our beautiful stained glass windows and stonework?

Which give so much pleasure to so many people...

This Easter, a time that is always one filled with great hope, we are launching this new campaign that we feel sure will be filled with overwhelming generous support once again. If you are able to help, in any way, however small or large, we would be incredibly grateful.
Ben Pentreath & Charlie McCormick, and the Parochial Church Council of St. Michael & All Angels, Littlebredy.

Updates appear here
Benjamin Pentreath started crowdfunding
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Jun 29, 2021
Good luck
Christine Huckins Franck
May 30, 2021
Thanks to you, Ben and Charlie, for using your talents to preserve this lovely building. Keep up the good works!
May 14, 2021
May 12, 2021
Imogen Balfour
May 6, 2021
Because the few blogs I have come across are so exquisite in highlighting that part of the country which is so dear to me..... This special church like many others must be maintained.
Ruth A
May 3, 2021
Happy to help with the church restoration work. And thank you so much for your uplifting photos and writing.
Jan Tobi-Hitzemann
May 3, 2021
This symbolizes hope and belief to me.
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