We did it!
Dr Gary Wood raised £400 from 5 supporters
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Closed 21/01/2021
Iʼve raised £400 to help set up a retreat for fragile people with PTSD and similar mental health issues. Please can you help ?
- Shaftesbury
- Funded on Thursday, 21st January 2021
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Please help a severe PTSD sufferer to set up a retreat for fragile people with similar mental health issues.
In 2008 I was diagnosed with severe post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicidal ideopathy. To cut a long story short, this led to the loss of my career, income and a few years later, my family home. It also left me with some challenging physical health problems.
My condition has also had a huge effect on my wife’s health as a result of having to cope with me. She has long term clinical depression amongst other things.
After a period of enforced homelessness and then a couple of years moving from one dodgy rental to another (it’s amazingly difficult to rent somewhere when you’ve been made homeless and have a mental illness) – we eventually found a retreat which has provided a wonderful, quiet, safe haven for the last 18 months or so, and where I have been able to get some excellent, possibly life saving, therapy and the peace and quiet which PTSD sufferers will know all too well, is essential.
The Bad News ...
Unfortunately, the owners of our current home decided to cash in on the COVID19 exodus and have sold the entire place for development - and it won’t be a retreat any more. We are now facing the prospect of potentially being homeless again, with all the life threatening implications that brings.
The Good News ...
We have the opportunity to start a new retreat of our own at another place where we could provide a safe haven for fellow PTSD suffers and similarly fragile people. Given the current crisis and the effect that is having on peoples mental health, it couldn’t be better timing.
The new retreat will also allow us to take advantage of the healing opportunities offered by living close to nature and will allow us to offer to others the amazing equine therapy, without which I certainly wouldn’t be here today. Because of this and our location it will be called "the Big White Horse Retreat"
We already have been offered some help towards the new lease – almost half of what we would need – and we can make the proposed place financially self sufficient, but we need your help to get started.
Please could you help us to raise our target of at least £10,000 get our retreat up and running. That would see us started and through the first six months. All donations will go towards this goal – there are no overheads.
Of course, in an ideal world we would love to set up a charity ownership of the retreat but that would take a huge amount of money .... we can but dream.
Prepare To Stop Depression

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Dr Gary Wood started crowdfunding
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Oct 24, 2020
Great worthwhile cause, good luck with your fundraising.
Neil Sedley
Oct 14, 2020
Hope this helps
Sep 25, 2020
Liz Ashton
Sep 24, 2020
It’s a wonderful thing. Good luck and lots of love x
Sep 24, 2020
A cause very close to my heart and mums heart too, best of luck to you xx
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