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Esther Brazil raised £7,360 from 19 supporters
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Closed 15/05/2018
Iʼve raised £7,360 to Help Bojan record Jarnovic violin concertos with Delphian Records
- Oxford, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 15th May 2018
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Following the critically-acclaimed success of his first solo disc, a groundbreaking recording of Carbonelli’s first six violin sonatas with the Illyria Consort, Bojan Cicic will record Jarnovic’s violin concertos in St Michael and All Angels, Summertown, in June 2018.
Ivan Mane Jarnovic, or Giovanni Giornovich, was among the most famous European violinists of the late 18th century. His surname comes from Croatia, although he never lived there.
After a successful decade in Paris in the 1770s, Jarnovic moved through Europe, living in Berlin, Vienna, and London before finally settling at the Court of Catherine the Great in St Petersburg as one of her chamber musicians.
The three violin concertos we plan to record on the next Illyria Consort disc were published in London in the 1790s, during the few years Jarnovic spent living in England. Interestingly, this corresponded with Joseph Haydn’s years in London, which left us with his twelve “London” Symphonies.
This disc will be the world premiere recording of Jarnovic’s three violin concertos, some of which are only available at the British Library.
- 7 years ago
Esther Brazil
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Esther Brazil
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Esther Brazil started crowdfunding
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Julian and Harriet Smart
May 8, 2018
Looking forward to hearing the concertos! Best of luck with the new recording.
Keiko Harada
Apr 27, 2018
Look forward to the recording! Keiko
Nadja Zwiener
Apr 25, 2018
Great project Bojan! All the best!
Sabine Stoffer
Apr 24, 2018
Roger Mayhew
Apr 24, 2018
Very much look forward to listening to these concertos!Roger
Jelena Milic
Mar 24, 2018
Great work !
Ognjen Tvrtkovic
Mar 23, 2018
sve za Bojana čičića i njegove projekte i glazbu kojhu stvara na svjetskom nivou- doniraju skupa ognjen Tvrtković i njegova supruga Sylvia Parnell i raduju se unaprijed divnoj glazbi koju će snimati
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