We did it!
Breastfeeding Mum Meets raised £687.5 from 40 supporters
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Closed 14/10/2020
Iʼve raised £687 to Fund charity Breastfeeding Mum Meets continue their work across Norfolk, supporting mums in their breastfeeding journey in meets and online
- Norfolk
- Funded on Wednesday, 14th October 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
A group of volunteer peer supporters from Norfolk based charity Breastfeeding Mum Meets are doing 1000k either running/walking, swimming or cycling in July. We are all mums with a passion for providing breastfeeding peer support to the amazing mums in our area.
Breastfeeding Mum Meets is a registered charity run by a team of dedicated volunteers. We host weekly meets all over the county at specially selected venues providing support for mums and opportunities to socialise with other like minded women in a comfortable and encouraging environment.
Our goals are to raise awareness and promote the benefits of breastfeeding whilst helping Norfolk mums on their journey, celebrating the highs and working through the lows.
We have 24hr peer support for members on our closed Facebook group and lots of info and fun on our public Twitter, Instagram and Facebook Charity page. We signpost to further support, provide information with links from reputable sites and give peer support using our personal experiences. Most importantly we provide a listening ear at an incredibly difficult and vulnerable time for a mum.
Our meets are very relaxed and informal. We love to see mums bring their bigger ones and the majority of our meets have some form of entertainment for babies up to preschool age.
We strongly believe it is vital to give mums an opportunity to vent and connect with individuals on a similar path.
Your breastfeeding journey should NEVER be a lonely one 💕💪🤱
- 4 years ago
Breastfeeding Mum Meets
4 years agoWe’ve walked in the sunshine. We’ve ran in the rain. We’ve ridden a bike for the first time in years. We’ve walked on beaches and woodlands. We’ve done in with toddlers and babies in tow. We’ve fit it all in between work, being mums, with newborns and with everything else in the day to day routine of cooking dinner and keeping small people alive. We are so incredibly proud to announce this morning we crossed that 1000k line all to raise money to help Mums across Norfolk for FREE. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SPONSORED US!
Share this update to help us raise more
- 4 years ago
Breastfeeding Mum Meets
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Breastfeeding Mum Meets started crowdfunding
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Jul 31, 2020
Jul 31, 2020
Running with a toddler in his buggy before a day of work!!! Very proud of you, Susie, for giving back to this brilliant group which supported you when you really needed it 👏
Jul 31, 2020
Well Done Susie! Very inspiring!
Tony&Jenny Mallion
Jul 30, 2020
Keep up the good work !
Jul 29, 2020
Jul 23, 2020
well done xx
Jul 21, 2020
Go Courtney 😊👍🥂
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