We did it!
Christian Hogsbjerg raised £27,280.41 from 316 supporters
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Closed 15/09/2023
Iʼve raised £27,280 to to support our campaign against mass redundancies at the University of Brighton and support Brighton UCU members taking strike action
- Funded on Friday, 15th September 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
UPDATE - THIS PAGE IS NOW CLOSED - OUR NEW FUNDRAISING PAGE IS HERE - THANKS: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/brightonunistrike
Resisting Mass Redundancies at the University of Brighton
The University of Brighton has announced plans to sack 130 members of staff, with approximately 400 academics at risk of redundancy.
They claim they need to save money, but the University has spent over £50m on building projects in the last two years!
The huge spend on new buildings is part of a plan apparently intended to allow the University to “grow student numbers”. But expensive buildings don’t teach! And our student-staff ratio is already the 97th worst in the UK. If anything, staff numbers need to be increased.
100 fewer lecturers + more students = worse conditions for all
Cutting staff will reduce the quality of education at our University: an attack on education is an attack on students, and job cuts will have a detrimental effect on the wider local community in Brighton as well.
We will do everything in our power to fight against job cuts, including preparing for possible strike action. Staff and students should not be made to pay for the failures of management. A huge campaign is already underway, involving protests and open letters.
We are also facing pay deductions of 100% for our participation in the Marking and Assessment Boycott as part of the national UCU Rising campaign and so are preparing for the possibilities of taking strike action over this as well. Please see our website and follow us on social media for the latest news and updates in our campaigns.
How your money will be used
Any donations will be spent on materials for our campaign against redundancies and also supporting members if we take strike action. If we take strike action, the funds raised will be distributed amongst striking members who are suffering particular financial hardship, focusing on those who most in need.
Thank you for your solidarity – together we can win this
Christian Hogsbjerg, University of Brighton UCU treasurer
1 year ago
Christian Hogsbjerg
1 year agoThis page is now closed - but we have a new page for donations here - thanks again for your solidarity -as well as those branches who have donated directly including recently Aberystwyth UCU, Open University UCU, Reading UCU, Warwick UCU, Unite Community South East. Brighton trades council - please donate now via our new site page here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/brightonunistrike
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1 year ago
Christian Hogsbjerg
1 year agoThis justgiving page is closing soon - and we will close it to collect the money to help support our members as our indefinite strike continues - but we will set up a new one linked to our main web page https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/ucu/ here as a our strike continues until 20 October if needed to save the remaining 22 colleagues threatened with compulsory redundancy. Please also write to the Vice Chancellor using this tool here - thanks again to everyone for your solidarity! https://actionnetwork.org/letters/write-to-the-vice-chancellor/
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1 year ago
Christian Hogsbjerg
1 year agoThanks to all the solidarity which continues to come in on here and through direct donations, most recently from Ulster UCU, Warwick UCU and UNITE locally in the South East. It means a lot as our indefinite strike continues and will remain so until the remaining compulsory redundancies are rescinded. We are now picketing regularly up at the Falmer site in the morning to signal that the University of Brighton is closed for teaching - see photo below from our picket line on Monday 4 September. The struggle continues - solidarity forever!
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Christian Hogsbjerg started crowdfunding
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Sep 14, 2023
Sep 11, 2023
Your fight is so important for all of HE. Solidarity!
Sep 8, 2023
Donations from our Dinner Party! Love and solidarity from UoBSol
Sep 7, 2023
Solidarity ✊️
Sep 7, 2023
Solidarity forever!
Sep 6, 2023
Xavier Ribas
Sep 5, 2023
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