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D Sed raised £3,316 from 139 supporters
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Closed 25/12/2022
Iʼve raised £3,316 to find my 7 year old daughter, abducted by her father.
- Funded on Sunday, 25th December 2022
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I’ve started this fundraising for a help with the legal costs initially and thanks to all of you who donated even £1 I’ve won the court proceedings! Unfortunatelly the father went into hiding with Maria again. The Bulgarian police and Interpol are looking for them but everything happens very slowly so I’ve decided to hire a private detective to speed up the process! I will appreciate every little help that increases the chances for Mary to be found. I want to believe in Christmas miracles and not to have another sad Christmas without my daughter again.
Please share this link and if someone sees this little girl and the man get in contact with me!
February 2018 - I’m in the middle of a horrible court battle with my ex husband who had taken our daughter for a week holiday abroad in July 2017 and failed to come back. At the moment they are in Bulgaria and I haven’t seen my little girl Maria for 7 months.
I’ve left my husband in November 2016 because of his controlling and manipulative behaviour and after years of emotional, financial and physical abuse. We went to court to deal with the child arrangements over our daughter Maria, Mary (as we call her for short) was 6 years old at that time. The social services and the judge recommended shared child arrangements and the order was in place in May 2017. Mary’s dad wasn’t happy about it, pretended in front of the officials he accepted the recommendations but actually started planning his evil plan. He showed in court return flight tickets for Paris, for one week before my planned holiday with Mary.
10th July 2017, one day after my birthday, was the last day I saw her for very very long period of time. He failed to bring her back and simply disappeared. For almost 2 weeks I didn’t know where my daughter was. Then the police confirmed they are in Bulgaria, where we are originally from. He changed his phone numbers, blocked me on the social media, Skype, etc. He stopped me from seeing and communicating with my little girl in all possible ways. The police and social services said we need to resolve this matter in court and they can’t do anything about it but I have every right to see her.
When I tried to make a contact with Mary in January (after I received the first social report with their address and school information), I waited in front of the school but the staff were aware and hid her. Then I went to the apartment building and saw them coming back home half an hour later. All I wanted was 5 minutes to tell her that I didn’t leave her behind, I love her to bits and want her back. He started shouting I’m trying to abduct her and made a huge scene… People around us called the police and again the response was “deal with this in court”.
I’ve started a Hague convention procedure for returning the child to her habitual residence. Mary was raised in the UK and Bristol is like hometown to her. She didn’t even speak Bulgarian much before being abducted by her father. The court proceedings are in front of the court in Sofia. The procedure is very slow and difficult and I’m running out of hope and money for solicitors, expertises and flight tickets every two weeks (after the last court hearing in February, the judge finally ordered visiting times and I’m allowed to see my sweetheart for an hour and a half every second Friday because of the distance issues).
In those very stressful times I’ve decided to start this crowdfunding page with a great hope in my heart I would be able to win this battle. It looks like going public is the only way. I want my daughter back, love her with all my heart and there’s not even one single day I haven’t cried my eyes out because I miss her so so much!
Please help a mother and a daughter to be together again! Thank you very much for the support in advance! Every penny counts in this fight to get my precious girl back!
May 2018 - I won the Hague Convention case.
June 2018 - The father appealed and still waiting for a court date
July 2018 - One year since I’m separated with my daughter 😢
August 2018 - I won the appeal and Hristo have to give Mary back to me.
September 2018 - The father and daughter went missing 😢
November 2018 - The Bulgarian police and Interpol are still trying to find them 😔
- 6 years ago
D Sed
6 years agoMy lovely little girl will turn 8 in less than a week time and I won’t be able to see her pretty smile and be part of the celebration because her father is still in a hiding 😢 Meanwhile he is trying to divorce me and get the full custody over her. How is this possible you wonder probably? How a missing man wanted from the police and Interpol is able to file a divorce case in the court? Why does no one question his rights to do so? On what ground does he want full custody when my girl is missing on school, relatives, friends and home? Why?
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- 6 years ago
D Sed
6 years agoMaria and Hristo are missing since the end of August when the final court order got in place. I want to hire a private detective to track them down because the police work is very slow. Please help me by sharing the link, which I’ve updated with the new information. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🙏
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- 6 years ago
D Sed
6 years agoI’ll be there for her, waiting to hold her hand again and go through the life together, no matter what it will cost me and how long it will take me. Love her with all my heart! ❤️
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nina steer
Jan 16, 2020
Praying for you x
Силвия Йорданова
Jan 31, 2019
Успех, мила Диди! Не съм спряла да се моля за вас. Възхищавам ти се на силата и вярвам, че Мери е добре и че всичко ще има добър край.
Sirma Palangurska
Dec 7, 2018
I hope that you daughter is safe and that the authorities will bring her back to you. Regardless of the mental health of the dad, your daughter should be at home with you where she belongs
Nov 22, 2018
Kalinka Borissova
Nov 22, 2018
Диди, думите са нищо. Сърцето ми се къса. Искам да намериш Мери и да я прибереш при себе си. Прегръщам те, искам да мога да помогна още .....
Nov 13, 2018
Дано скоро е при теб 🙏🏼
Nov 8, 2018
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