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Robin Horrex raised £276 from 12 supporters
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Closed 30/06/2024
Iʼve raised £276 to help families struggling financially to feed their pets
- Funded on Sunday, 30th June 2024
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The cost of living crisis is affecting families up and down the country. This is leading to some families facing the hardest of decisions - feeding themselves or their pets. In the worst case scenario, this is leading to pets being abandoned. And according to the Guardian dated 22nd September 2022:
Between January and July 2022, the RSPCA received 22,908 animal abandonment reports.
For the team at MBC – A creative marketing agency with a specialism in animal health – this was something they felt they just had to do something about, and therefore the Cans4Pets idea was born.
From our base at the ‘Dog House’ in Reading, Berkshire we are asking people to donate money via this JustGiving page, and we will purchase the cans of pet food to distribute to foodbanks.
We often talk about brands needing to add value to people’s lives beyond their products’, explained Robin Horrex, Founder of We Are MBC, ‘and it got us thinking about what we could do. Staff here are huge animal lovers, and a lot of our work is focused on animal health marketing, so we know how important pets are to people. But the cost of living crisis sadly means some people will have to make the difficult decision to give up their pets. We wanted to do something about that.”
The campaign will run until Spring 2024 when people are feeling the pinch most keenly. But as Robin explained, everyone is hopeful the campaign will run for longer.
“To paraphrase a famous slogan ‘Pets are for life, not just for Christmas’, so we would love nothing more than for this to become a source of support for people as long as they need it. And please give what you can, as when it comes to helping families feed their pets every CAN counts
Your support could make the all difference this Christmas and help pets and their families stay together.
Please visit: Cans4Pets.org to find out more.
- 9 months ago
Robin Horrex
9 months agoWe're almost a quarter of the way towards our target so we still need some of you lovely people to help out f you can. Please click the link to make a donation to help people who are struggling to afford to feed their pets. Thank you!
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Eddie Waters
Jan 17, 2024
A fantastic cause! Keep up the great work guys.
Dec 16, 2023
Hannah Ridgway
Dec 16, 2023
The food bank footage shown at the Pets at Home charity ball demonstrated just how important this is! Great job team MBC 😊
Dec 11, 2023
Sue Bhalla
Dec 10, 2023
Keep it up.
Gem Ebelthite
Dec 7, 2023
Pauline Wells
Dec 7, 2023
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