We did it!
Carole Thompson raised £380 from 10 supporters
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Closed 20/11/2023
Iʼve raised £380 to Please help me fund an event fee & enable me to get to this prestigious event & showcase for big names in the industry.Its a big opportunity
- Margate Kent
- Funded on Monday, 20th November 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Good day to you all.
Let me start by introducing myself for those who don't know me. My name is Carole Thompson, I am a fashion designer and have a company called 'CeeTee Designs Limited'.
I design clothing with my artwork, painting or photography these are sent to America where the clothing is produced to a high standard, printed and drop shipped to customers. My designs are very unusual and proving to be popular.
I am on here as I am looking for sponsorship. Two days ago I was given an amazing opportunity by Luxs London to showcase my clothes in London in front of 500 VIP guests and international guests who are scheduled to fly over for the event.
The event is is being hosted along side companies such as Lipsy London, Conde Naste (Publishers of Vogue) LUXS London and more.
To do this I am in great need of some sponsors to help me raise £2000. I've only month to find the money as they only sent me the email 2days ago. I am one of only 15 Designers to be invited as it is by invitation only.
I therefore hope that some of you may be able to sponsor me or make an affordable donation to help me. They have only given me a month to find £2000 to take part as they want the payment in 30 days before the event.
If you would like to see the email and attachment of the designers package that was sent to me in box me and I'll email it to you to look at.
I want to thank you in advance for the help for those who are able to help with something.
The date I'm aiming at is the 15th of August as the event is on the 17th of September. I know it is very short notice And It is difficult to find that kind of money just like that however I was only told two days ago. So I am asking for your help so I can take part in this prestigious event.
Kind regards
Forever grateful
Carole Thompson
- 1 year ago
Carole Thompson
1 year agoWell we got to the event though had to find the extra money which was not easy to do on Universal credit but yes we got there. Thank you to all those who supported me. It was an amazing experience. Now I have to find the rest to bring more outfits over for the next show. Thank you all xx
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- 1 year ago
Carole Thompson
1 year agoWell Thank you for the support that you have given. Along with your helpful donations I've managed to scrape enough together to get to this event. I've also managed to get the new designs over from America for the event. So I'm very grateful to those who have been kindly supporting me. Onwards and upward we go! Thank you so much xx
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- 1 year ago
Carole Thompson
1 year agoShare this update to help us raise more
Carole Thompson started crowdfunding
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Nelupa dod
Aug 11, 2023
Keep up the awesome work 🙌
Sanny Haire
Aug 10, 2023
Aug 4, 2023
Wishing you every success in this endeavour. You deserve it.
Tim Giles
Aug 4, 2023
Hello Carole. Good luck at the the show. X
Kim Hart
Aug 2, 2023
Good luck Carole I hope you manage to raise the amount you need. You are a true inspiration!
Jul 30, 2023
Proud of you mum, you will go far. Love you❤️
Sue Thompson-Lockhart
Jul 29, 2023
Good luck Carole. Hope you reach your goal xxx
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Carole Thompson
Margate Kent
My name is Carole Thompson, I am a fashion designer and have a company called 'CeeTee Designs Limited'. I design pictures and patterns to be able to use on items of clothing. My designs have proven to be popular with those who have seen them.