Iʼve raised £640 to be a community group committed to Return the River Cale to a self-sustaining ecosystem rich in bio-diversity and to be enjoyed by all
- Funded on Friday, 30th December 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are a non-profit organisation that is committed to returning our river to a good ecosystem. It flows through the town of Wincanton and any funds we receive is put straight back into improving the stretch of river that we care for.
We fund raise any way we can, routinely kick sample the river to check water quality, improve habitat, hold community events and talks. This is a community group and we involve anyone, and everyone who wants to be part of it.
We work closely with the Wild Trout Trust and only since we have been caring for the river again have we found trout have managed to make it up stream to the higher reaches of the Cale!
Updates appear here
CATCH started crowdfunding
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Jack Graves
Sep 25, 2021
Simon Heyes
Sep 24, 2021
Good work I remember a group of young people cleaning up the river Cale about 12 years ago. Great to see this. Simon
Sep 14, 2021
Happy Birthday and good luck with clean up effort
Sep 13, 2021
Happy Birthday Bernard!
Emma Rodgers
Sep 13, 2021
Good luck! Keep up the great work!
Carol Down
Sep 13, 2021
Sep 13, 2021
Happy Birthday Bernard!
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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