We did it!
Chantelle Newton raised £294 from 20 supporters
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Closed 26/06/2019
Iʼve raised £294 to for Matthew's wife and kids.
- Funded on Wednesday, 26th June 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
This fundraising page has been set up after my Uncle was seriously injured in a Road Traffic Collision on Wednesday 27th February 2019.
As a police officer he was on routine patrol when the vehicle tragically collided with a Heavy Goods Vehicle in Berkshire. He received a horrific brain injury and spent weeks fighting for his life in the Intensive care unit.
My Uncle has three beautiful Triplets who are only 18 months old and have no idea why their Daddy hasn't come home yet. I'm pleased to say he is making impressive steps forward but is having to relearn everything and is not yet able to speak. It is likely he will be left with serious Life Changing injuries and the quality of life that he will lead is still to be assessed.
This page has been set up to try and raise money for the three girls who deserve the life that their wonderful parents had planned for them, achieving this with one household income, if that's possible, will be incredibly hard. Please give whatever you can.
- 5 years ago
Chantelle Newton
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Chantelle Newton started crowdfunding
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James Nash
Jun 21, 2019
Jun 20, 2019
Well done!
Scott Gillespie
Jun 17, 2019
Hope the downhills were negotiated safely!
Becky Strudley
Jun 14, 2019
Good luck Chantelle! I hope you have a couple of days off after to recover! You can do it!
Emma Goodman
Jun 12, 2019
Good luck Chantelle!
Jun 11, 2019
Best of luck, you can do it
Vicky Crouch
Jun 10, 2019
Good luck!
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