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Closed 03/06/2019
Iʼve raised £0 to Charlie’s World Challenge Belize 2020
- Closed on Monday, 3rd June 2019
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Hi, My name’s Charlie, and In 2020 I have been given a life changing oppurtunity to visit Belize in Central America. This trip would be a dream for me as I have always wanted to help and visit foreign countries. The trip is based around charity work and helping the community in Belize, also it will benefit me as it will allow me to build invaluable life long expierences aswell as team building skills. However this trip comes at a cost, and I can only pay so much, so fundraising will allow me to go on this incredible trip, thank-you so much for visiting and donating to my cause.
Charlie, World Challenge Trip Belize 2020
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Charlie Holden started crowdfunding
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