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Closed 07/06/2019
Iʼve raised £0 to make a life-changing journey to Tanzania for 1 month to live and work alongside local people in August 2019
- Hoveton, Norwich, UK
- Closed on Friday, 7th June 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Whilst in Tanzania I will be helping to;
• Build and renovate school buildings in rural Tanzania so local children don’t have to walk miles everyday to access an education.
• Construct vitally needed community housing from local materials for some of the most impoverished families.
• Install new water facilities to provide fresh drinking water to local communities.
• Undertake conservation work supporting local initiatives that help to restore and protect some of Tanzania’s most vulnerable habitats and animals.
Why Tanzania?
40% of people in Tanzania are living under the poverty line.
Nearly half of the population lives on less than $1 a day.
The average life expectancy in Tanzania is just 55 years.
How can you help?
I need to raise £2,500 as part of my individual fundraising efforts. I will also be doing entrepreneurial activities to pay for myself to go.
This page has been created to accept donations.
It would be great if you could support me with my fundraising!
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