We did it!
Richard Wallace raised £623.5 from 24 supporters
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Closed 30/09/2022
Iʼve raised £623 to A Platinum Jubilee Tree from Go Folkestone to the Jubilee Tree Project run by the members of the Cheriton and Morehall Royal British Legion
- Funded on Friday, 30th September 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
This is the right time to donate a flowering cherry tree , with all the staking and planting and insurance included , to the Jubilee scheme that members of the Rbl are supporting , which will cover several trees , given by several organisations and individuals . Go Folkestone are aiming at just one , and hope to water it ourselves
Updates appear here
Richard Wallace started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Mandy Miller
Sep 30, 2022
Thank you Mandy for your kind donation . Look forward to seeing you at a Go Foolkestone meeting some time .
Sep 27, 2022
David Crocker
Sep 19, 2022
Dave Spinks
Sep 18, 2022
A beautiful tree for our late beautiful Sovereign Lady. May She rest in peace.
Felicity Trinder
Sep 13, 2022
Mike and Sheila P
Sep 9, 2022
Look forward to seeing the blossom. Great idea!
Sep 1, 2022
Thank you to Stephanie A for the cash donation for a very green cause .
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