We did it!
Joey & Colette Taylor raised £10,050 from 229 supporters
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Closed 04/01/2024
Iʼve raised £10,050 to Help make Kadens dreams come true in getting Kaden a Bionic Hero Arm.
- Burnham-On-Sea, Somerset
- Funded on Thursday, 4th January 2024
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are raising funds to go towards a hero arm for Kaden.
As a family on sunday the 8th of october 2023 we will be doing a sponsored walk from burnham-on-sea Jetty to brean down and back again, so we would really really appreciate any donations however big or small to start making this dream come true for Kaden.
Kaden is 7 years old and was born with only one hand with no medical explanation.
Kaden has had many challenges to face and has been such a confident, independent boy it's been wonderful to be his parents and watch his journey so far overcoming lots of difficulties. He has managed brilliantly over the last 7 years trying to adapt to living a normal life but is really noticing especially how he is different from his peers at school and would just like to do everything they can do and equally what we can do as a family at home from cutting up his own dinner, putting his own toothpaste on his toothbrush to tying up his own shoe laces etc which his friends can do and he could only dream to do.
Kaden is very independent and usually confident and this has started to impact his life going forward.
Sports day in the summer Kaden has a specially adapted skipping rope to take part in one of the races and this year he looked embarrassed that he had different from his peers and hid his arm. He also has to participate in ukulele lessons in his class which he is so apprehensive about which just breaks our hearts.
Being able to do the simple things in life that we all with two hands take for granted Is all he would love to be able to do without help from others and the hero arm is a robotic hand that is controlled by his muscle that can give him the second hand he's been dreaming off.
Being able to get a hero arm now would benefit and support Kaden in his life.
The Hero arm price goes up £7300 on the 1st October 2023 from £12,699 to £19,999 but open bionics are honouring the current price for us if we can get funding and get it ordered before the end of this year and we really hope together we can reach that goal for him.
We are doing some fundraising activites as a family and individually to raise some funds for his dream to become reality sooner rather than later, so he can grow and learn with his new hand. He is the most kind and caring boy who really deserves to be looked at in awe by people not with pity and we know as a family this going forward will change his life.
Thank you so much for reading.
Also we have received cash donations so would like to thank all those people:
£431 Phil & Heather Hayward for the Knights Bike fundraiser night
£50 south bristol construction footpath gang
£200 Martin & Becky
£100 Lewis & Jodie
£10 James leatherby
£574.50 from our Raffle with the help from Claire Taylor, The Globe Pub & Phil & Heather Hayward.
£767 the race night at the windmill bar and bistro
£20 Cindy Moon
Which is a total cash amount of £2152.50!!
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Joey & Colette Taylor started crowdfunding
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Nicola Stent
Dec 20, 2023
From the Joe's Santa express fun run family Xx
Nicola Stent
Dec 20, 2023
Part one of Joe's Santa express fun run. We hope you reach your target soon.
Dec 17, 2023
Jacquie and Steve Baker
Dec 2, 2023
Nov 19, 2023
Valentina (Owl's Class)
Nov 12, 2023
Hope you raise the full amount, best of luck :)
Nov 11, 2023
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